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Coronavirus England: Infection rate falls by 1/2200


The British coronavirus outbreak seems to have stopped shrinking prior to “Super Saturday,” official figures claiming that about 3,600 people are still infected today.

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics (ONS), 25,000 people worldwide now account for Covid-19, or 1 in 2,200 (0.04% of the population), with 51,000 more active cases last week. It is decreasing.

However, the same data show that herpes is spreading at a slightly faster rate, with an estimated 25,000 new cases occurring by the week of 27 June.

An ONS statistician, who made predictions around a randomly selected 25,000 cotton swab test, warned that the rate at which the outbreaks were decreasing had “leveled”.

Estimates are in line with yesterday’s predictions by scholars in public health England and the University of Cambridge, who claim that up to 3,000 people are infected daily.

This is included 1,000 people in Midlands, home of Leicester. This is the first city in the UK to encounter a “local lockdown”. Their estimates are based on modeling based on mortality data, antibody surveillance sampling, and mobility reports.

However, both speculations are higher than those speculated by scientists at King’s College London, who believe that about 1,200 people are hit daily. Scholars rely on people logging in to a symptom tracking app and making sure the test is positive.

How have many people attacked the virus in your area?










The total number of cases









‘Attack rate’









What is the attack rate? The Cambridge-PHE team used this term to describe the percentage of specific groups infected. For example, a 20% attack rate in London indicates that 1 in 5 people in major cities are already infected with the virus.

How accurate are the above numbers? The experts gave all regions varying numbers and settled on the best guess, which is the amount quoted above.

Today’s ONS report states: “Analysis of the four most recent non-overlapping 14-day data shows that these estimates have flattened this downward trend with decreasing test positivity over time since the first measurement on April 26. Suggests that.

‘The latest confidence interval overlaps with the last two schedules.

This suggests that the particular number of individuals who test positive between June 14, 2020 and June 27, 2020 is higher or lower than the previous two periods.

“So at this point, there is no evidence that the current trends are anything other than flat.”

A study by King’s College in London shows a low estimate of the number of new cases daily, consistently declining numbers.

Both King’s College and ONS datasets are based on data from the 14th June to the 27th June.

Statistics from the COVID Symptom Tracker estimate that there are 1,445 new cases in the community every day across the UK, centered on 31 positive tests out of 10,393 swabs. Most of the (1,225) are in England.

On the other hand, the ONS data has a weekly estimate of 25,000, reduced to 3,571 per day, based on 12 positive results from 23,203 participants.

Public Health England and the University of Cambridge yesterday predicted that up to 3,000 people are still infected in England each day, including 1,000 in the Midlands.

The team claims 1,500 to 5,780 people caught herpes throughout the UK on June 26, and that percentage has been fairly stable since the beginning of May.

The King’s College team also estimates that the Midlands were hit the worst, accounting for 422 of the country’s 1,225 daily attacks.

Boffins at King’s College London believe that about 1,200 people are hit daily. Academics rely on people logging in to a symptom tracking app and confirming that the test is positive

It located 215 in the northeast and Yorkshire, 185 in the southeast, 164 in the east of England, 104 in the northwest, 92 in the southwest, and 84 in London.

According to the project, there were an additional 132 days per day in Wales and 88 days in Scotland.

The epidemiology professor Tim Spector behind the app said the model had been successful in predicting infection rates in Leicester since June 17.

With a higher infection rate and significantly more than 140 cases per 100,000 population than any other region, we will be back in lockdown this week.

Professor Specter said: “Our data flags potential new hotspots so we can detect issues like Leicester earlier and hopefully reduce the number of major lockdowns more, It enables excellent monitoring and centralized testing.”


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