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Polio cases detected in New York, the first case in the United States since 2013

Polio cases detected in New York, the first case in the United States since 2013


  • Polio adults are the first people to be diagnosed with the disease in the United States since 2013.
  • The man developed paralysis.
  • According to experts, the disease spreads orally through saliva and feces.

Last week, New York Department of Health (NYDOH) publication A young, unvaccinated adult from New York was recently infected with polio.

According to health officials, this is the first recorded US case since 2013.

They also say that a patient in Rockland County, New York, developed paralysis after the symptoms began about a month ago and had not recently traveled abroad.

NYSDOH, in coordination with the Rockland County Health Department and the New York City Department of Health and Mental Health (NYCDOHMH), continues case studies, “actively responds” and encourages vaccination to protect communities from disease epidemics. I confirmed that it is protected.

Dr. Mary T. Bassett, State Health Commissioner, said: statementThe Ministry of Health said it strongly recommends that unvaccinated people be vaccinated with polio as soon as possible.

“Polio vaccines are safe and effective and protect against this potentially debilitating disease,” she continued. “And it was part of the necessary routine pediatric immunity backbone recommended by national health authorities and public health agencies.”

The polio vaccine is included in the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Standard child vaccination schedule Part of the school immunity needed Schedule for all kids..

However, NYSDOH requires community members who are concerned that unvaccinated individuals, including pregnant individuals, have not previously completed or may have been exposed to the polio vaccine series. It warns the residents of Rockland County that there is.

They add that individuals who are already vaccinated but at risk of exposure should receive booster immunity.

Given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it’s understandable to worry.

but, Theodore StrangeMD, Staten Island University Hospital, Staten Island, New York, Vice-Chairman of Medicine said the disease is not equally contagious.

“In the 1940s, children had a pandemic of this and went through what we call the fecal-oral route,” he explained. “It doesn’t spread like the respiratory virus COVID, in other words, when you sneeze.”

Mentioned strange things March of Dimes Campaigns from the late 1930s to the 1940s donated dimes to eradicate polio until the vaccine was available.

There are two different types of vaccines. One can contain live attenuated virus, which is an oral poliovirus, and the other is to administer the inactivated virus as an injection.

Since 2000, the types of polio vaccines that have been administered in the United States type With an inactivated virus.

“About three-quarters of infected patients are asymptomatic,” he said. Charles BaileyMD, Director of Infection Prevention and Medical Care, Providence St. Joseph and Providence Mission Hospital, Orange County, CA.

According to Bailey, the following “transient flu-like symptoms” may occur in the remaining quarters:

  • heat
  • headache
  • Malaise
  • Stomach upset
  • sore throat

“Much fewer numbers, [much less than] One in 100 people have neurological symptoms such as weakness and paralysis, “he said. “These most serious cases [may have] Mortality rate up to 10 percent. “

“Children under the age of 5 make up the group at greatest risk,” he said. Regine CherazardMD, Physician and Director of Training Program Long Island Jewish Forest Hills In Queens. “But anyone who is not vaccinated can get infected.”

Cherazard said prevention is the best strategy, as there is no cure yet and treatment includes only the treatment of symptoms.

“Supportive care may include pain management, physiotherapy, close monitoring of vital signs, and a ventilator for respiratory failure,” she said.

Strange said this was probably an isolated case because of our country’s immunization program – but warned that unvaccinated individuals or groups were still at risk.

Pockets of people who have not been vaccinated due to religious or other common beliefs can mean that the entire community is at high risk of outbreaks.

NYDOH Confirmed The types of polio identified are Reverting polio Sabin type 2 virusIt has been shown to come from people who have been vaccinated with an oral polio vaccine containing live but weakened poliovirus. It is no longer available in the United States and is used in other countries where medical care may be in short supply. Because it is an oral vaccine Given by volunteersInstead of a doctor.

In rare cases, the vaccine can lead to polio cases, but in general, children are much less likely to get the vaccine than the virus.

“Obviously, they will continue to monitor this based on epidemiological surveillance,” Strange said.

Health officials in Rockland County, New York have identified the first case of polio infection in the United States since 2013.

According to experts, the disease spreads orally through saliva and feces, putting unvaccinated and unvaccinated people under the age of 5 at greatest risk.




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