Chinese Swine Flu Viruses Worried About: QuickTake

Photographer: Qilai Shen / Bloomberg
Photographer: Qilai Shen / Bloomberg
Most common strains of influenza The spread to Chinese pigs has raised concerns among scientists, who say it has certain properties that lead to the potential for pandemics. Best of them: The virus has infected humans. So far, it is not known to spread from person to person, but there is concern that it may begin to spread due to further mutations. Populations also struggling with coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 have emerged in China, are believed to have animal origin, and may become vulnerable again.
1. What is the problem?
Pigs regularly catch the flu epidemic, but in most cases it’s not a big deal. Because the virus usually doesn’t spread to people. But since 2016, this is not the case with the most common strains of pigs in China, G4 EA H1N1 virus.. So-called sero-studies looking for the presence of antibodies in human blood that indicate past exposure to the virus have jumped over species barriers and probably infected dozens of humans in the past few years. New arrival the study Published on June 29 in the minutes of the National Academy of Sciences, the virus can replicate in cells lining the human respiratory tract and efficiently infect ferrets, the animals used to study influenza virus. I showed that there is a possibility. These features have led the research team to declare that it “has all of the key characteristics of a pandemic virus candidate” and that “it poses a serious threat to human health.”
2. How concerned should we be?
It’s hard to say. influenza Pandemic occurs When a virus with little or no existing immunity emerges in a human population and is efficiently transmitted from person to person. Most people lack the immunity to this strain, a novel variant of hemagglutinin. The surface protein influenza virus is used to grab cells that are the target of invasion. There is no vaccine available. Michael Ryan World Health Organization OK That many new influenza viruses, including those that circulate in birds, have the potential for pandemics, and that G4 EA H1N1 I saw it well By scientists in China and around the world. This is not immediate, said Anthony Forch, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in the United States. threat, Watching over.
3. How popular is it?
Researchers say that from 2011 to 2018, it gradually spread to the 10 provinces of China with the highest pig density (China accounts for almost half of pigs). That number has been declining since 2018 African pig fever We started to destroy the pig farm. However, it does not pose a pandemic risk because it is not related to influenza and is not known to infect people. Among humans, a serologic survey conducted in China from 2016 to 2018 found that 10% of the 338 working pig farms tested could be infected. It was The prevalence of antibodies dropped to 4.4% among the 230 people who were not connected to the farm. Liu Jinhua, first research author and veterinary professor China Agricultural University In Beijing Told local media The results of the study may have overestimated the number of people exposed.
4. Has anyone got sick?
It is unclear if anyone in the serologic survey developed the disease or condition. However, at least two cases have been reported in scientific studies due to related strains. With a 46-year-old man from Fujian who developed severe pneumonia in October 2016. Died From multiple organ failure; and 9 year old boy Northern China experienced mild flu-like symptoms in December 2018 and recovered after a few days. It seems to cause little disease in pigs.
5. What can you do to mitigate the threat?
Along with surveillance, biosecurity measures aimed at preventing the spread of virus from farm to farm are important. The more viruses spread, the more likely they are to mutate. WHO recommended in 2016 to produce’stock’ and stockpile from it vaccine Can be made to protect people. China hasn’t announced any plans on how to bud this virus, but managed to do it with other zoonosis that could infect both animals and humans. 2017, China Vaccinated chicken It counters the H7N9 avian influenza virus and prevents its spread to humans. Inoculation to poultry has been successful, with the number of human infections drastically reduced to 3 in the year to September 2018.
6. Where did the virus come from?
G4 EA H1N1 is a Eurasian bird-like virus containing 2009 genetic material. H1N1 pandemic A strain called “swine flu” because of its genetic similarity to a virus known to circulate in swine. The strain spread to humans all over the world, Presumption It killed 12,469 people in the United States and 575,400 people worldwide. (Usually, in the case of the influenza virus, the majority of deaths were under the age of 65.) Then people return the virus to the pig and are considered pigs. Mixing container Influenza virus. Scientists believe that G4 EA H1N1 is the result of the H1N1 influenza virus mixed with one or more other influenza strains circulating in pigs.
Reference shelf
- UN agencies share information about animal flu strains through them Ofuru Portal.
- Infectious Disease Research and Policy Center is up to date Flu news..
- Latest from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance influenza.
- World Health Organization shares information Seasonal flu.
- Bloomberg explainer Influenza viruses and why they pose a pandemic threat.
— With the help of Jason Gale, Shuping Niu and Dong Lyu
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