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Prolonged COVID Doubles Risk of Serious Outcomes for Children and Teens: Study

Prolonged COVID Doubles Risk of Serious Outcomes for Children and Teens: Study


August 4, 2022 – CDC researchers long covid You are about twice as likely to have serious consequences than other people who are not infected with COVID-19.

inflammation of the heart; blood clots in the lungs; or clot Lower extremities, thighs, or pelvis were the most common adverse outcomes in the new study. The risk of these and other serious events was higher, but the overall numbers were lower.

“While many of these conditions were rare or uncommon among children in this analysis, even the modest increase in these conditions is noteworthy,” says a new release from the CDC.

Investigators said their findings underscore the importance of COVID-19 vaccination among Americans under the age of 18.

of study It was published online by the CDC on Thursday. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR).

Not much is known about children’s long COVID

Dr. Lyudmyla Kompaniyets and colleagues say that most long-term COVID research to date has been done in adults, giving little information about the risks for Americans under the age of 17.

For further details, we compared the post-COVID symptoms and status of 781,419 children and teenagers with confirmed COVID-19 and another 2,344,257 without COVID-19. They examined medical claims and test data for these children and her teens from March 1, 2020 to January 31, 2022 to identify 15 specific cases related to her COVID-19 over time. I checked who got any of the results.

Long-term COVID was defined as a condition in which symptoms persisted or began for at least 4 weeks after COVID diagnosis.

Compared to children with no history of COVID-19 diagnosis, the long group with COVID-19 had:

  • 101% more likely to have acute pulmonary embolism (a blood clot in the lungs)
  • They are 99% more likely to develop myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) or cardiomyopathy (when the heart becomes weak and has difficulty pumping blood).
  • 87% more likely to develop venous thromboembolism (a blood clot in a vein).
  • Acute and unspecified renal failure (when the kidneys cannot filter waste products from the blood) is 32% more likely.
  • 23% more likely to have type 1 diabetes

“This report highlights the fact that the risks of COVID infection itself are real, concerning, and potentially very serious, both in terms of acute effects, MIS-C, and long-term effects. pointed out,” he said. Stuart Berger, MD, Chair of the Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Section of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

MIS-C, associated with COVID-19, is a childhood multisystem inflammatory syndrome, a condition in which many parts of the body become inflamed.

“The message that must be taken away from this is that all methods of COVID prevention, especially vaccinationsays Berger, who is also chief of the Department of Pediatric Cardiology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago.

“morning Call”

Gregory Poland, M.D., an infectious disease specialist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, said the findings were “amazing” and “a reminder of the seriousness of COVID infection.”

“When you look at the more severe complications from COVID, especially in this young age group, they are life-altering complications that will have consequences and impacts that last a lifetime,” he says.

“I would like to take this as a serious wake-up call to parents.” [at a time when] Vaccination coverage among young children is pitifully low,” says Poland.

still early days

The study is thought-provoking but not conclusive, says Peter Katona, MD, an expert in medicine and infectious diseases at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health.

He says it’s still too early to draw any conclusions about long-term COVID, including children, because many questions do you define brain fog?

Katona and colleagues are studying long-term COVID interventions among UCLA students to answer some of these questions, including the incidence and effectiveness of early interventions.

The study had “at least seven limitations,” the researchers said. Among these was the use of medical claims data that documented the long-term outcome of COVID, but not its severity. Some people in the non-COVID group may have contracted the disease but have not been diagnosed. Researchers did not control vaccination status.

Poland notes that the study was conducted during a surge COVID variant Including Delta and Omicron. In other words, the long-term effects of COVID associated with more recent variants such as BA.5 and BA.2.75 are unknown.




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