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A 2-minute walk after eating reduces diabetes risk

A 2-minute walk after eating reduces diabetes risk


A father and two children are walking together in a residential area at sunsetShare on Pinterest
Experts say even a short walk after eating can improve digestion and blood sugar levels.Annie Otzen/Getty Images
  • Researchers say just two minutes of walking after a meal can speed up digestion and lower blood sugar levels.
  • Experts say it’s important to start your walking habit by knowing your physical limits and how far and how often you can walk without injury.
  • They add that listening to audiobooks and meditating while walking can enhance your exercise routine..

A brisk 2-minute walk after a meal can help lower blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

According to the new theory that meta-analysis of seven studies by researchers at the University of Limerick in Ireland.

According to review results, the best time to walk is within 60-90 minutes after eating. This is the time of day when blood sugar levels typically peak.

Study participants were divided into standing and walking groups. Both groups were designed so that he engaged in activities for 2 to 5 minutes every 20 to 30 minutes throughout the day.

The researchers said even a few minutes of slow light-intensity walking was enough to significantly lower blood sugar levels in study participants.

Postprandial walking was found to cause a slower rise and fall in blood glucose levels than sitting or standing.

In five of the seven studies, study participants had no history of prediabetes or type 2 diabetes. Two of his other studies looked at people with and without diabetes.

The obese people in this study also experienced greater reductions in blood sugar levels by standing after meals compared to sitting. However, there was no noticeable effect on insulin or blood pressure levels. did.

Researchers also suggest that taking long walks after eating may provide additional benefits.

For people with high blood pressure or diabetes, a short, light walk after meals is effective.

walking and standing can have a positive impact on glucose metabolism. Hayley PerrusPhD, Athlete, Coach, Fitness Professional, Sports Psychology Specialist.

“Glucose is released into the bloodstream after eating, causing a slight rise in blood sugar. Small sugar spikes are not unusual, but maintaining sugar levels is essential in managing diabetes,” Dr. Haley told Healthline. Told.

“Better blood flow is essential for your muscles, limbs, and organs,” she explained. , resulting in a healthier vascular system.”

A walk after dinner also releases serotonin, which boosts better sleep, a more regular appetite, a positive mindset, and boosts memory.

Dr. Danine FlugeDr., medical director of the Pritikin Longevity Center in Florida, told Healthline that the meta-analysis combined multiple studies at the Pritikin Center over the decades that proved what they had witnessed first-hand. I am emphasizing it. Often measured within his first 24-48 hours after joining.

amber takeLAT, ATC, CSCS, FMS, FMT, Head of Health and Wellness at Lifepro World Class Recovery Tools, and Founder and President of Kivett Kinetic Solutions, said that this research has been in the medical profession for the past decade. While confirming what has been theoretically presented among the houses, she has some concerns about the limitations of the study.

These restrictions can actually cause problems for certain people, she says.

“Part of my expertise is routinely seeing patients/clients requiring total knee or total hip replacement surgery to manage pain caused by specific joint degeneration. That’s right,” Kibbett told Healthline.

“Most of these patients/clients are overweight or obese and are unable to walk in their normal walking pattern without pain,” she noted.

“If a practitioner or training coach recommends a moderate amount of light walking each day, and the person suffers from the pain associated with walking, inflammation will naturally increase, stress hormones will increase, and more problems will occur. It has metabolic and neurological effects on the whole body,” she added.

She shares some other concerns about the research, including the lack of information about how cognitive stress plays a role in outcomes.

“Many Americans put pressure on the sympathetic nervous system because of cognitive stress levels, blue light stress on the brain, sleep deprivation, and toxic lifestyles and environments,” Kibbett said.

The testing group includes most Americans, so groups with other autoimmune diseases should also be included, Kivett added.

Despite acknowledged limitations of the study, Kivett says there are many known benefits of walking after eating.

“Whether you have high blood pressure, diabetes, or a ‘healthy’ or active individual, enjoying a short, light-intensity walk after a meal promotes overall improvement in health. To do.

According to Kivett, these benefits include:

  • bowel regulation
  • Lymphatic system optimization to eliminate waste products and mobilize lymph
  • Fresh blood exchange increases circulation flow to all extremities
  • Release of “happiness hormones” including dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and natural endorphins/pain relievers that lower stress hormones in the body
  • Increases fat metabolism by keeping heart rate in the low intensity zone while minimizing cortisol stimulation
  • Reduces inflammation by lowering stress hormones

Kivett offers the following advice for integrating walking into your post-meal routine.

make it fun

Make your experience more enjoyable with your favorite entertainment.

  • Listen to audiobooks while walking.
  • Watch your favorite TV series while walking on the treadmill.
  • Turn on upbeat music and walk with the pace of the music. All you need is 2-3 songs.

add meditation

“Use your nightly walk as a time to reflect on the day through visual meditation,” suggests Kibet.

“Meditation is a powerful way to engage the parasympathetic nervous system and lower cortisol and stress hormones to maximize sleep,” she added.

“Think of it as a habitual part of your bedtime routine to optimize your sleep, which will aid fat loss and aid recovery,” she says.

Consider the “happiness hormone”.

Kivett reminds us that walking helps release “happiness hormones” at the end of a stressful day.

“Releasing these hormones can boost your mood and make you a happier, more patient parent or spouse,” she says.

And you don’t have to walk all the time to reach your activity goals.

Frouge suggests continuing to look for simple opportunities to move your body in your daily routine, at home or at work, while you’re waiting for something else.

Fruge examples include:

  • dance during commercials and advertisements
  • march in place while washing the dishes
  • Play jumping jacks while waiting for the water to boil or for the food to cook.
  • Lift the laundry basket or shopping bag several times with both hands
  • Pacing during a call
  • Set a reminder to get up from your desk and stretch for 5 minutes every hour
  • As a passenger in a car, train, plane, or bus, try shrugging your shoulders, flexing your biceps, squeezing balls for grip, marching in a seat, rolling your ankles, and gently twisting your neck/torso in your seat. please.




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