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Leaving No Women Behind: Exceptional Efforts Increase Afghan Women’s Access to Health Care – Afghanistan

Leaving No Women Behind: Exceptional Efforts Increase Afghan Women’s Access to Health Care – Afghanistan


Jian, August 12, 2022 – When heavy rains fall in Afghanistan, roads are regularly closed. However, adverse weather conditions rarely stop the International Organization for Migration (IOM) mobile health teams.

In order to care for the communities hardest hit by the June 22 earthquake, health teams are driving their loaded vehicles across riverbeds, over hills, through valleys and over mountains. Sometimes members of health teams have to find an alternative way to reach remote villages on foot. Since the beginning of the humanitarian response to the recent earthquake, IOM health teams have been camping in humanitarian centers built by IOM.

In a green space, below a small village damaged by the earthquake, they spread out. IOM Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) staff set up their blue tents to organize sessions with children on one side and women on the other, while tables are set around the clearing to listen to the men. Community members identified psychological support as their primary need.

Members of the health team descend from the hill for medical examinations in the tents. Consultations with doctors are organized on one side while a mobile pharmacy is spread out on the other.

A 10-year-old woman lost her sight in her left eye afterwards [the ceiling] Sign it. When I first saw her, she was still in shock, and she looked tired, and was a bit confused, and there was no one beside her. She lost two of her family, was very scared and reported having headaches and nightmares. “She won’t even enter the rooms, because she’s worried the ceiling will go down again,” said Staish, a mental health and psychosocial support advisor for the International Organization for Migration.

“The majority of people living between Paktika and Khost districts are in dire need of emergency care. Counselors are also needed because the survivors have been hit hard.”

Badam, the 32-year-old father, described how aftershocks continue in the area and fuel the fear of the people of Guyanese. “When the shaking started again, I ran into the tent and threw myself on the ground. I thought it started all over again when we really had nothing left.” “These sessions are the first time we have learned and discussed our feelings and how to process what happened.”

Staish organizes a session with the village children to give them an opportunity to talk about their experiences, feelings, dreams and life after the disaster. Next, the children draw what they want to be when they grow up and laughter explodes as everyone compares their drawings.

Together, they make little paper boats containing all their agonizing thoughts which they place on a small table in the middle of a clearing. The boats sail downstream while the rest of the village silently watches the event.

At the same time, a car arrived at the scene of the accident. A woman is sitting inside but cannot get up due to high blood pressure. Doctors rush to help her. She had been suffering at home for days.

While men and children can travel often to receive much-needed medical services, many women report being unable to obtain regular medical care due to their lack of access to health facilities, as their movement is often restricted. .

The mobile nature of IOM health teams allows women to serve directly in their homes. However, access remains complex, and the urgent need for help is a race against time given the upcoming winter season.

In Paktika Province, rumors, misconceptions, and a lack of accurate information about human services are another challenge in reaching the community – especially women.

“Male heads of household and most family members have a misconception that humanitarian services come in exchange for sharing pictures of women with males or non-Muslims and uploading pictures on the Internet. At the same time, some community leaders also believed that the services were mostly related to cases of domestic violence and would have a negative impact on their lives which could lead to family conflicts,” says Dr. Nadia Hakim, part of the mental health and psychosocial support team at the international to emigrate.

Since August 2021, access to basic health care has been carrying more risks for women in Afghanistan. Many suffer in silence from various diseases and are prevented from seeking the necessary medical support. Women are disproportionately affected by barriers to accessing health services due to restricted decision-making and mobility, as well as gender norms that prevent them from interacting with anyone outside their family members. As a result, men receive most of the services, and women are not part of the decision-making processes.

Badam shared this sentiment, explaining, “When they asked to meet the women, I didn’t get along with the IOM staff imposing their values ​​and trying to change our culture. I wasn’t comfortable with the women attending the sessions and being affected.”

IOM’s humanitarian responses are adapted to the cultural context within each country and region. Recognizing how to provide services such as inter-community counseling sessions, mental health and psychosocial support counselors in Afghanistan meet with community leaders to explain the purpose of humanitarian activities. Male community members are invited to psychoeducation and community outreach sessions on health and mental health, and support group sessions are organized for male community members.

Every year, freezing temperatures in winter, especially in the mountainous regions of Afghanistan, lead to increased outbreaks of respiratory infections including pneumonia and asthma. For IOM mobile health teams, the upcoming cold season could create significant challenges in reaching communities. Despite all the challenges that winter brings, IOM mobile health teams will be working around the clock to ensure timely delivery of life-saving care and treatment in hard-to-reach locations.

This story was written by Leo Turreton, Media and Communications Officer, IOM Afghanistan. For more information, please contact: [email protected]




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