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Midnight children caused an earthquake in the family

Midnight children caused an earthquake in the family


Among the Bengalis who have taken to social media to condemn the attack on author Salman Rushdie has been his cousin, a teacher and animal rescuer who has lived in Bengaluru since the early 1980s.

She spoke to Metrolife, anonymously and via email, saying, “This must be about Salman and what he’s been through.”

In her August 13 post on Facebook, Salman called her father’s nephew and recalled that she was five or younger when he stayed briefly at her childhood home in Lucknow.

But isn’t it when we have to take a stand? Sitting on the fence and being silent only helped the perpetrators,” she spoke of her decision to speak publicly about her beleaguered cousin, whose 1988 novel “The Satanic Verses” offended some Muslims for their mockery of the Qur’an and forced him to hide.

She says her post was an avalanche of pain: “Having to live the best years of your life in hiding is unimaginable. Think then of the voices of dissent who have been killed, thrown into prison, victims of ideology. Salman’s attacker is also a victim.”

As she is 30 years younger than Salman, she knows him better through the tales told by her parents. “He stayed with us for a while after the publication of Midnight’s Children, which caused a slight earthquake in the family. They felt that Salman had built some characters on them and drew them into cartoons and they didn’t take that well.”

But her parents, especially her mother, loved the book. “She was telling me stories of Simlan’s bravery, not only in publishing The Satanic Verses, but other books as well.”

How did the Iranian fatwa to kill Salman affect his relatives? “In India, we never faced any threat. My parents were supportive of him, though I don’t think he knew. We had no way of communicating and then, as time passed, as it happens, we lost touch. But I was always his little fan.”

As for Salman, she says: He lost a lot. This kind person, full of evil sense of humor, lost his homeland and a lot of his family. ”

As an adult, she met him once at the release of the 2012 film adaptation of Midnight Children. She was stunned by his wit and speech, as well as the sadness in his eyes.

She did not read “The Satanic Verses” because it is prohibited in India. “I will if I get a copy. As I will any book that is not poorly written,” she says, adding, “If people read books in a critically rigorous style, I doubt we would get burned and angry at what they had to say.”

The ban has been in place for more than three decades since the book was published and as India entered its 76th year of independence. Banning “The Satanic Verses” was the politically correct thing to do. She doesn’t make that decision morally right.”




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