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How much sugar is acceptable for diabetics?

How much sugar is acceptable for diabetics?


Sugar is often portrayed as the villain or main culprit when the topic of diabetes comes up.

Sugar plays an important role in the context of this condition, but some misconceptions exist about whether diabetics can consume sugar.

People with diabetes can eat foods and drinks that contain sugar. But as with everything, moderation is key.

This article details the role sugar plays in managing diabetes and glucose, and how to approach sugar in an appropriate and balanced way.

Any clinical guideline or recommendation regarding anything, including sugar consumption by diabetics, is just a guideline. Our goal is to help as many people as possible to stay as healthy as possible.

Expert opinions differ on the recommended daily amount of sugar.

  • The World Health Organization (WHO) has 5-10% One of your calories comes from added sugar, or “free sugar.”
  • In the United States, the recommendation is sameaccording to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
  • However, the American Heart Association recommends limiting sugar to 6% of total calories per day. So, for a 2,000 calorie diet, the limit is 7.5 teaspoons per day.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Mention In 2018, the average intake of added sugars for Americans over the age of 20 was 17 teaspoons per day (19 teaspoons for men and 15 teaspoons for women).

If you’re used to eating a lot of sugar, it’s a good idea to reduce your intake to manage and maintain your blood sugar levels. within target range.

Of course, everyone is different.Weight, activity level, nutritional needs, body response influencing factors Your blood sugar levels are different from those of other diabetics.

You and your diabetes care team should discuss your situation, including your history of controlling blood sugar levels, to determine how much sugar you can eat on a typical day. It also depends on the type and type of diabetes. medicine you take

eating sugar lead to diabetes, but diabetes is much more complicated. Plus, your body needs sugar to function. According to the National Institutes of Health, a type of sugar called glucose an important source of information of fuel for your body and your brain.

The sugar in your body comes partly from carbohydrates. break down The food you eat during digestion sends glucose into your bloodstream.

Simple carbs like candy and fruit break down quickly, pumping sugar into your bloodstream. Offers.

If you are not diabetic, your pancreas releases hormones in response to the sugar influx. insulinit works to move that sugar from your blood to your cells to use as fuel.

But if you have diabetes, your pancreas may not respond by producing enough (or sometimes) insulin to do its job. It can damage blood vessels and cause other complications.

It’s a common misconception that diabetics need to give up sugar and live the rest of their lives sugar-free.

In other words, yes, people who actually have diabetes can I still eat sugar. They can eat foods with added sugar or other foods containing carbohydrates that are broken down into sugar in the body.

People with diabetes should be careful ikura sugar they consume. The keyword is “moderationAccording to the Association of Diabetes Care and Education Professionals.

Limiting sugars overall is a smart choice. Commonly recommended strategies include:

  • Try eating smaller portions to reduce your daily calorie intake.
  • Eat a variety of foods such as vegetables, fruits, grains, and low-fat dairy products to maximize your cost-effectiveness.
  • Choose foods that are low in fat.
  • Watch out for highly processed foods that may be high in sugar.
  • limit sugary drinksInstead, try substituting low-sugar options or choosing water more often.

You can also learn how to count carbs.many diabetics count carbs It helps you track what you’re eating so you can better manage your blood sugar.

Overweight people may help reverse prediabetes and delay or prevent type 2 diabetes, according to the CDC. 5% to 7% of your weight. This isn’t the only way to prevent type 2 diabetes, she says, and it’s not necessary for everyone, so it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor first.

If you have diabetes, you don’t have to give up your sugar-free lifestyle. However, you should be careful with your sugar intake and how it affects your ability to control blood sugar levels.

This includes not only sweet treats, but also drinks and anything containing carbohydrates. These are converted into sugars in the body. Your diabetes care team can help you develop a plan to help you achieve a healthy balance.




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