These are the foods that put men at risk for colorectal cancer
Colon cancer occurs more often in men than in women. So why?
in Australia, estimated number The number of colorectal cancer cases in 2020 is projected to be 8,300 in men and 7,413 in women.
This is largely consistent with the analysis of bowel cancer in Australia, where on average 54% of cancer diagnoses are in men and 46% are in women.
The difference is that men suck more tobacco and drink more more alcohol than women.
Sausage and bacon may be a key factor in this difference between men and women who develop bowel cancer, according to a new study.
Ham and salami cause too? but why?
Researchers at Tufts University started with the well-established fact that ultra-processed foods are a risk factor for colorectal cancer, with a range of devastating effects on health.
These are very popular ready-to-eat foods such as potato chips and other snacks, frozen foods such as pasta dishes and pizza, and preservative-containing deli meats such as ham and salami that have a long shelf life. many.
“Ultra-processed foods are high in sugar and low in fiber, which contributes to weight gain and obesity. Obesity is an established risk factor for colorectal cancer,” said lead author of the study, Friedman Nutrition of Tufts. Graduate School of Science Policy.
Dr. Wang and his team analyzed the diets of 200,000 participants (159,907 women and 46,341 men) in three large prospective studies conducted over 25 years.
Participants were healthcare professionals and two of the studies recruited only nurses.
The researchers divided participants into five groups, depending on how much ultra-processed food they consumed on a regular basis.
Next, we looked at who had developed colon cancer. As expected, we found that those who consumed the most ultra-processed foods were most at risk.
But a strange quirk appeared
whole, they found Men who ate more ultra-processed foods had a 29% higher risk of developing colorectal cancer than men who ate much less.
Despite this positive association identified in men, especially cases of colorectal cancer in the distal colon, this study does not find an overall increased risk in women who consumed large amounts of ultra-processed foods. I did.
This was strange.
The researchers then looked at how men and women consumed ultra-processed foods differently. .
In fact, they found that the strongest associations between colorectal cancer in men and ultra-processed foods came from ready-to-eat products based on meat, poultry, or fish.
“These products contain processed meats such as sausages, bacon, ham and fish cakes, which is consistent with our hypothesis,” said Dr. Wang.
Australia needs to change its diet
2019 survey It was found that Australians, on average, get 42% of their calories from these nutritionally poor and mildly toxic foods.
Ultra-processed foods aren’t just bad for your gut, they’re bad for your heart too.
As reported in October last year,it takes only four weeks for a diet of highly processed foods to inflame the brain and elicit behavioral signs of memory loss.
we are in december report If you’ve already had a heart attack and continue to eat ultra-processed foods, you’re 66% more likely to have a second heart attack or stroke.
in July we reported Children aged 3 to 5 who eat highly processed foods, such as chicken nuggets, frozen pizza, and sugary breakfast cereals, have poorer motor skills than children who eat less of these poor-quality foods. .
Motor skills include walking, running, jumping, jumping, crawling, marching, climbing, sprinting, gliding, leaping, and skipping.
The implication here is that children with low athletic ability are more likely to be fat and unhealthy.
How to escape from these foods? Add them to more whole grains, lean meat cuts (moderate amounts), more fish, nuts, beans and legumes (a much cheaper and better alternative to meat), fruits and fresh vegetables. Replace with
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