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Stranded Papua New Guinea earthquake survivors are airlifted to safety

Stranded Papua New Guinea earthquake survivors are airlifted to safety


Volunteer rescue workers have conducted non-stop airlifts in remote areas of Papua New Guinea, seeking to reach victims still stranded two days after a massive 7.6-magnitude earthquake.

Key points: The earthquake shook a wide area in the north of the country, killing at least seven people, and the epicenter was in the middle of the forest, according to the Red Cross, and at least 389 houses collapsed in the city of Madang alone, according to the United Nations.

The earthquake shook a wide area in the north of the country, killing at least seven people, but the scale of the disaster is slowly beginning to shift into focus.

At least 389 homes have collapsed in Madang city alone, according to estimates by United Nations experts currently on the ground.

The toll is expected to rise as workers on the ground reach other communities.

“It was very difficult to reach most of the sites” due to the remoteness of the affected area, Maki Igarashi of the International Federation of the Red Cross told AFP.

She added that the epicenter was in the “middle of the forest”.

With government resources limited, many rescue efforts were carried out by small private companies and volunteers.

The United Nations said more than 300 homes collapsed in Madang.

Pilot Jürgen Roh, owner of Manolos Aviation Ltd., told AFP he had “missed” the number of medical evacuations he had carried out since the earthquake struck Sunday morning.

“It hasn’t stopped yet,” he said, as he prepared to head out for two more flights of medical planes in the country’s remote highlands.

Among those rescued, Roh said, “the youngest is a two-year-old,” adding that the girl who had a skull fracture survived after emergency surgery.

Mr Roh said his company was taking direct calls from people in need of evacuation, adding that in Papua New Guinea, “if you don’t help yourself, no one will help you”.

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The earthquake was the largest in the Pacific nation since 2002, but it claimed far fewer lives than the previous earthquake, which killed 145 people in 2018.

The toll will rise as workers on the ground reach other affected communities (AP: Renagi Ravu)

Papua New Guinea authorities have confirmed that all seven deaths were caused by landslides near the coast of Ray, Kamboom and Wau, in which three miners were killed after being trapped underground.

Mr Roh said some pilots were airlifting her pregnant mother when the earthquake struck, and as she was being flown to safety, they “saw the side of the mountain disappearing”.

Ms Igarashi of the Red Cross said the internet and power outages in the aftermath of the earthquake made it difficult to get a full picture of the situation on the ground.

Ramu Hydroelectric Power Station, located near the epicenter, was damaged by the quake, and internet service slowed down significantly due to the impact on submarine cables.

France Press agency




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