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Second U.S. monkeypox death as virus associated with brain inflammation

Second U.S. monkeypox death as virus associated with brain inflammation


Monkeypox became the second death in the United States on Tuesday as health officials released a study describing how two previously healthy young men experienced inflammation of the brain and spinal cord as a result of the virus. was related to

The current global pandemic, which began in May, has nearly 22,000 cases in the United States, but new infections have declined since mid-August as officials distributed hundreds of thousands of doses of the vaccine. increase.

The latest fatal case involved a severely immunocompromised resident of Los Angeles County who was hospitalized, the local health department said without providing further details.

“Severely immunocompromised people who are suspected of having monkeypox are encouraged to seek medical and treatment early and remain in the care of their providers during the illness,” the ministry said.

The first U.S. death associated with a viral illness occurred in Texas, announced on August 30, but officials said the person had a severely immunocompromised state and that monkeypox had played a role. You said you were investigating a role.

The current global outbreak is primarily affecting men who have sex with men.

Historically, viruses were spread through direct contact with foci, body fluids, respiratory droplets, and sometimes through indirect contamination through surfaces such as shared bedding.

However, there is preliminary evidence that sexual transmission may also be involved in this outbreak.

inflammation of the brain and spinal cord

Meanwhile, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a report of two unvaccinated men in their 30s who developed brain and spinal cord inflammation after testing positive for the virus.

The first, patient A, a gay man in his 30s from Colorado, had symptoms that began with chills and malaise that progressed to a rash on his face, scrotum, and extremities, and a swab of the lesion tested positive for the virus.

He also developed weakness and numbness in his lower extremities, was unable to empty his bladder, experienced persistent and painful erections, and was hospitalized.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed inflammation in the brain and spinal cord. He was treated with Tecovarimat, an oral monkeypox antiviral drug, and other drugs, and began to improve in two weeks.

He was released, but weakness in his left leg continued, requiring an assistive walking device at a one-month follow-up.

A second patient, B, was a gay man in his 30s from Washington State. His fever, rash, and muscle aches progressed to bowel and bladder incontinence and progressive flaccid weakness in both legs.

Inflammation of the brain and spinal cord was confirmed by MRI, and he was intubated in the intensive care unit, treated with intravenous tecovirimat and anti-inflammatory drugs, and finally plasmapheresis.

He is still in the hospital but is able to walk with the help of a device.

According to the report, the underlying mechanism in these two cases is unknown and could have been either direct entry into the central nervous system or an autoimmune reaction triggered by monkeypox infection elsewhere in the body. there is.




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