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ASU Researchers Present Alzheimer’s Research Findings at Annual Conference

ASU Researchers Present Alzheimer’s Research Findings at Annual Conference
ASU Researchers Present Alzheimer’s Research Findings at Annual Conference


ASU researchers are expanding our knowledge of Alzheimer’s disease and how to prevent it, from intervening in the progression of the disease with vitamin-like supplements and aerobic exercise to improving the mental health of those who care for people with Alzheimer’s disease. I went to

To share findings on Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive and irreversible neurological disorder, and the most common form of dementia, ASU researchers met at the Memorial Union on the Tempe Campus on Sept. 22. Gathered at the Arizona Alzheimer’s Consortium meeting.

Alzheimer’s disease is death in arizona in 2020, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Over 150,000 Arizonas over the age of 65 had Alzheimer’s disease 2020That number is expected to rise to 200,000 by 2025, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. Alzheimer’s Facts and Figures for 2022.

Some graduate students come to ASU to study Alzheimer’s disease.Candidates studying geron technologyhas published her next paper on skill-building interventions for family caregivers or people with dementia.

After earning degrees in Nursing and Radiology from the University of Barcelona, ​​Gómez-Morales traveled around the world before landing in Arizona in 2016. Gómez-Morales said she started working at ASU because of her research opportunities.

“They have very strong research in geriatrics, including dementia and geriatrics, and they have the ( ) largest nursing school,” said Gómez-Morales.

Through volunteering at the Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation and spending time with people with Alzheimer’s disease, Gómez-Morales discovered the importance of monitoring the health of full-time caregivers. Gómez-Morales started volunteering in her professional program, her CarePRO. Improve mental health of primary caregivers of people with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Depressive symptoms decreased in family caregivers through the program, according to a presentation by Gomez-Morales at the Arizona Alzheimer’s Consortium Conference.

Gómez-Morales also helped Alzheimer’s patients and their caregivers improve communication through virtual and augmented reality experiences. materialization labCaregivers can now empathize with people with Alzheimer’s disease and other related neurological conditions and better understand how to care for them.

Other researchers also attended the conference, including ASU researchers who have worked to prove the effectiveness of certain treatments for patients with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Fang Yu, a professor at the Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation and professor of dementia translational nursing science at Edson, has studied how aerobic exercise, specifically on a recumbent exercise bike, slows the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. rice field.

in a study Regarding the effect of aerobic exercise on cognitive decline in patients with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, Yu reported through MRI that the volumes of brain regions indicative of patients’ cognitive status remained stable, rather than decreased, throughout the intervention period of aerobic training. concluded that it remained

“I believe the goal when we engage in aerobic exercise is to improve aerobic fitness, which highlights the cognitive benefits,” says Yu.

Neuroscience students attending the Savannah Talino conference recently investigated whether supplementing a mouse population with the B vitamin-like vitamin choline in adulthood could be effective in reducing the progression of Alzheimer’s disease in people with Down’s syndrome. We are investigating.

People with Down’s syndrome often develop Alzheimer’s disease, so research into the disease is interconnected, Tallino said.

There have been previous studies conducted on the positive effects of introducing choline into the fetus in utero on the progression of neurodegenerative conditions, a commonly used mouse model of Down’s syndrome.

Tallino and her team are still analyzing the results of cellular data obtained from mice. So far, their results showed no significant changes in cognition in adult supplemented mice, but early intervention with Colin would be beneficial, she said, Tallino.

This was his first time attending a conference, and Tallino appreciated the breadth of topics covered by keynote speakers and student poster presentations.

“I mean, it’s been really cool to see the wide range of research that’s going on here in Arizona,” Tarino said. ”

Edited by Kaden Ryback, Wyatt Myskow, Sophia Balasubramanian, Greta Forslund.

Please contact the reporter at [email protected] and follow @Gray Gartin on Twitter.

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