When should I eat dinner?The sooner the better, new study suggests

- Eating later in the day, around noon, may promote obesity, according to new dietary research.
- Eating all your meals within 10 hours can also have health benefits, according to another new study.
- Making breakfast your biggest meal of the day doesn’t guarantee better health, but research suggests it may help you feel less hungry as the day goes on.
Researchers provide more evidence that eating early in the day can be good for you, and that eating all your meals within 10 hours can be good for you too doing.
What’s the lesson from this latest wave of research on eating?
Why Eat Earlier in the Day? A study by researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital found that participants who ate four hours later in the day were hungrier, burned calories more slowly, and burned more fat. body changes that promote the growth ofjournal cell metabolism.
“In this study, we asked, ‘Given all else being held constant, does mealtime matter? Nina Budjovic said in the following study description: hospital website“And we found that eating four hours later made a big difference in how we felt hunger, how we burned calories post-meal, and how we stored fat.”
Researchers fed 16 overweight patients the exact same diet on two different schedules. (For example, early group participants eat around 9:00am, 1:00pm, 5:00pm, while the other group eats around 1:00pm, 5:00pm, 9:00pm)
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Participants recorded hunger and appetite. Researchers collected blood samples, body temperature, energy expenditure, and took samples of body fat tissue from some subjects.
Eating late makes you more than twice as likely to be hungry, researchers say. When study participants ate later in the day, their levels of leptin, the hormone that makes you feel full, dropped, researchers said.
Genetic testing also suggested fat growth accompanied later meals. Eating later resulted in about 60 fewer calories being burned, the study says.
“We wanted to test the mechanisms that explain why slow eating increases the risk of obesity,” senior author Frank Scheer, director of the Medical Chronobiology Program in Brigham’s Division of Sleep and Circadian Disorders, said in a statement. rice field.
Although the study is small, it was specifically designed to assess the effects of dietary schedules on the body.
“This study shows the effects of late versus early eating. Here, we separated these effects by controlling for confounding variables such as calorie intake, physical activity, sleep and light exposure.” , in fact, many of these factors may be influenced by meal timing. We need to consider how variables alter these biological pathways that underlie obesity risk.
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Should breakfast be your biggest meal?
Another recent study suggests that making breakfast your biggest meal of the day may not be as important if you try to eat earlier in the day: cell metabolism last month. The researchers fed her 30 overweight subjects on two different her diets for four weeks.
Researchers at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland and the University of Surrey in England expected that people who ate a lot of breakfast and a little bit of dinner could burn more calories and lose more weight. Instead, subjects saw no difference after going through the two eating patterns.
However, those who ate their morning meal reported fewer hunger pangs. “We know that appetite control is key to achieving weight loss, and our research suggests that people who consume the most calories in the morning feel less hungry.” increase.of Research news release.
Two complementary, ‘rigorous’ studies of overweight and obese healthy people “show that ‘front-loading’ calories is a beneficial strategy for reducing overall hunger,” says Salk. Satchidananda Panda, professor in the Laboratory of Regulatory Biology at the Institute for Biology, in La Jolla, Calif., told USA TODAY.
Although he wasn’t involved in the front-loaded food research study, he was one of the authors of a study on timed eating published this week. cell metabolism.
Is the meal time frame 10 hours?
It might also be worth taking a look at your overall meal schedule and how close the meals are.
That’s because researchers found that firefighters who ate all their meals within 10 hours had significantly lower bad cholesterol, improved mental health, and reduced alcohol consumption about three times a week. is.
Study participants who had elevated blood sugar and blood pressure levels also saw significant improvement, they said.
Researchers at the Salk Institute and the University of California, San Diego tracked 137 San Diego Fire Department firefighters who were encouraged to follow a Mediterranean diet and used an app to track their diet for three months. Half he ate within 10 hours, the other half he ate within 14 hours.
“Our study showed that shift workers with high blood pressure, blood sugar, or cholesterol levels could benefit from a simple lifestyle intervention called a timed diet.” It’s not a pill, but it’s a healthy habit that can greatly reduce your risk of these three ailments without the harmful side effects.”
Panda said participants chose a 10-hour window in which they ate breakfast within two hours of waking up and had dinner at least three hours before bedtime on rest days. Most people chose between 8am and 10am for breakfast. Lunch is served from noon to 1pm. Dinner is from 6pm to 8pm, he said.
“Adding all of this together, the average person should be fine trying to choose a 10-hour window that fits their lifestyle, at least five to six days a week,” Panda said.
He suggests eating more breakfast. It’s usually healthier, so I suggest doing it at home if you can, then having a small lunch. – and a healthy dinner. “If you choose a time slot that ends before 8pm, you are also likely to consume less alcohol and dessert in the evening/nightly,” Panda said.
There are some restrictions. “People with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, pregnant mothers, and those taking prescription medications should consult their physicians before initiating any dietary changes, including time-restricted meals.
Follow Mike Snyder on Twitter. @Mike Snyder.
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