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California earthquakes are mysteriously preceded by shifts in Earth’s magnetic field: ScienceAlert

California earthquakes are mysteriously preceded by shifts in Earth’s magnetic field: ScienceAlert
California earthquakes are mysteriously preceded by shifts in Earth’s magnetic field: ScienceAlert


When the next earthquake strikes somewhere around the world, it will arrive without warning, destroying infrastructure and putting lives at risk.

However, over the days leading up to the event, giant geologic forces would indeed act, to twist the crust in subtle ways that could, in theory, predict the next catastrophe.

One possible sign could include flashes in the magnetic field that deflect and flow around our planet. For decades, researchers have debated the merits of searching for magnetic signatures of impending tremors, for lack of convincing evidence.

A new study controlled by QuakeFinder, a human research project within systems engineering services company Stellar Solutions, in collaboration with the Google Accelerated Science team, concludes that there may be good reason to continue the research.

By applying machine learning to ground-based measurements of local magnetic changes in the lead-up to a number of important earthquakes across California between 2005 and 2019, the researchers found signs of a pattern that requires further study.

This does not mean that the effect they observed can necessarily be used to predict earthquakes, but it nonetheless represents a great introduction to future study.

“We don’t claim that this signal is there before every earthquake,” Dan Schneider, director of QuakeFinder, told Joshua Rapp Learn at Eos.

However, the results could be enough to keep the controversial topic of electromagnetic predictions of major tremors alive for a little longer.

The hypotheses behind hypothetical fluctuations in the magnetic field before earthquakes seem reasonable enough. Some argue that the massive buildup of pressure in the crust prior to an earthquake could, in theory, change the properties of rock layers enough to affect their conduction.

Other studies indicate pockets of trapped gases that build up before they are released, creating the electrical currents needed to influence magnetic activity.

Detecting the resulting ultra-low frequency shifts in the magnetic field would give authorities a warning that something big is going to explode, providing time to prepare in the same way that communities might do for a growing hurricane.

Unfortunately, what seems like a promising idea faces a number of hurdles in application.

For one thing, many things can create low-frequency oscillations in local spots in a magnetic field. Increases in nearby traffic or small shifts in solar activity can create noise that may be thought of as a geological disturbance.

Deciphering a reliable signal from this noise requires accurate measurement equipment at fixed locations near large tremors. Even if this occurs, enough earthquakes of the appropriate size need to be recorded for a statistical sample.

With search sites near malfunctions throughout California, Quakefinder is in a strong position to overcome these hurdles.

Magnetometers buried at various research sites provided researchers with a large amount of data on earthquakes greater than 4.5 magnitude.

After selecting earthquakes for which measurements were taken from two nearby sites, and excluding pairs of sites without proper recordings, the researchers were left with 19 earthquake measurements.

This sample was then divided into two groups, one serving as the basis for a machine learning study that attempted to sort out possible patterns from known effects, with the second group serving as a test for any potential discoveries.

The process-determined signal-to-noise ratio confirmed in the run was not entirely robust. As the researchers acknowledge in their published report, the electromagnetic anomaly apparent before earthquakes “was observable, documented and accepted much earlier” in previous investigations.

But they point out that something intriguing lies in the electromagnetic flash like a suspicious cry in a rainstorm, which could have been present three days before the earthquake. Fine-tuning the researchers’ method with a larger sample may be able to determine what’s going on.

If future studies reach a reliable hum of impending doom in a single region’s magnetic field, it may not be a global tone, and require further testing at multiple locations around the world.

At the moment, the idea of ​​using small changes in the planet’s magnetic field to predict tremors is still disputed. But, bolstered by findings like these, further investigations may finally reveal the secret whispers of a fault at breaking point.

This research has been published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.




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