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Covid-19 “causes up to 35,000 excess cancer deaths a year” due to NHS backlog


British cancer experts predict overkill deaths of up to 35,000 cancers a year under worst-case scenarios. Impact of Covid-19..

Urgent referrals for cancer treatments have diminished, treatments have been postponed or canceled, and there is now a major backlog of screening, resulting in delayed or missed diagnoses.

The latest cancer data study, shared exclusively with BBC Panorama, examines the proportion of urgent cancer referrals by the end of May, still down 44.5% compared to pre-pandemic levels. It shows that.

Modeling with DATA-CAN, one of Health Data Research Hubs at Health-Data Research UK, has shown at least 18,000 over-deaths in the UK, but at worst this number is a year.

“Very worrisome data”

Mark Laura, professor of digital health at the University of Queens Belfast and scientific leader of DATA-CAN, said:I was very worried about the initial data I got. Coincidentally, people have told us that there is a problem, But what was important was that we could actually get regular data from the trust of the hospital.

“We felt the worst scenario would be over 35,000 [cancer] Death in England [in the next year].. Scientists obviously want to be right about analysis, but I hope I’m wrong about it. “

Dr. Gary Marlowe of the NHS GP said urgent referrals to cancer consultants during peak lockdowns fell by 60% in April for two reasons.

“The main reason this is happening is that the public is responding nicely to the message “Do not overstress the NHS,” and many say, “Oh, I don’t care.” I think it’s because I’m thinking. Second, there are quite a cohort of people who are very worried about coming near the NHS. When I came near the NHS, “I became Covid, and then I got very sick.”

Incorrect guidelines

Clinical oncologists told the program they were unsatisfied with the guidelines issued to the practitioner at the beginning of locking, suggesting that physicians should not always be given radiation therapy. Professor Patprice says some hospitals had “idle radiation therapy devices that could save lives.”

Cancer NHS England’s National Clinical Director, Peter Johnson, said: “When the virus was growing very rapidly in the population, our concern was to be able to properly balance the risk of catching the virus. To do.

And in particular, the risks and benefits of such as chemotherapy, where chemotherapy is not absolutely critical, but can be dangerous in terms of increasing the risk of coronavirus. […] This was not a kind of attempt to warn who should be treated but who should not, it was an attempt to help people think very clearly and help. “

Following the program, specialists in cancer, radiation therapy, charities, industry, and others are rapidly transforming radiation therapy services, causing thousands of lives to be unnecessarily lost from cancer backlogs. Approved an MP plan to prevent being stolen.

MP’s All-Party Parliamentary Group on Radiation Treatment (APPG RT)’s six-point plan “provides world-class radiation treatment and paves the way for the projected surge in demand for cancer services.” I said.

Professor APPR’s advisor, Price, said: The radiation therapy community is calling on the government to take action, recognize the seriousness of the situation, seize this opportunity, and rapidly enhance our ability to fight cancer. “

Panorama: UK Cancer Crisis at BBC One at 7:30 pm Monday, July 6th

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