Loh Kean Yew, Aloysius Yapp nominated at sports awards
SINGAPORE Former badminton world champion Loh Kean Yew and number 1 pool world Aloysius Yapp will compete for the Sportsman of the Year title at the Singapore Sports Awards 2022.
Meanwhile, the Sportswoman of the Year will feature three nominees in fencer Amita Berthier, paddler Yu Mengyu and bowler Shayna Ng, according to a press release from Singapore’s National Olympic Council on Tuesday (Oct. 11).
Organized by SNOC and Sport Singapore, and supported by the Tote Board, the annual awards honor the most deserving individuals and teams in 2021.
The winners will be announced on November 10 during an award ceremony.
Recurring after a 1 year hiatus
Prices are returning after a year of hiatus after sports competitions and events were canceled or postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Given the impact of COVID-19 on the sporting events industry, two categories of Best Sporting Event of the Year (local) and Best Sporting Event of the Year (international) will not be reinstated in the Singapore Sports Awards until next year.
Here are the nominees in the different categories at the Singapore Sports Awards 2022:
Sportsman of the year: Loh Kean Yew (badminton), Aloysius Yapp (cue sports).
Sportswoman of the Year: Amita Berthier (fencing), Yu Mengyu (table tennis), Shayna Ng (bowling).
Sports Boy of the Year: Maximilian Maeder (sailing), Izaac Quek (table tennis).
Sports Girl of the Year: Ser Lin Qian (table tennis).
Coach of the Year: Jason Yeong-Nathan (bowling), Gao Ning (table tennis), Li Peng (diving), Fernando Kuo (sailing).
Team of the Year (Event): Men’s bowling team (Cheah Ray Han, Darren Ong, Jonovan Neo, Jomond Chia), badminton mixed doubles team (Terry Hee, Jessica Tan), women’s table tennis team (Feng Tianwei, Yu Mengyu, Lin Ye), women’s 49er FX skiff team (Kimberly Lim , Cecilia Low)
Most inspiring sports story of the year: Rohit Brijnath (The Straits Times), Matthew Mohan (CNA), Kimberly Kwek (The Straits Times), Zulaiqah Abdul Rahim (Berita Harian), Jonathan Wong (The Straits Times).
Best sports photo of the year: Kong Chong Yew, Stanley Cheah, Andy Chua, Shintaro Tay.
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