Pancreatic Tumor Microbiome Associated with Poor Outcomes
Under normal circumstances, pancreatic tissue is considered free of microorganisms.But new research has found that pancreatic cancer Tumors have a large microbiome, the presence of which affects cellular function and is associated with poor patient prognosis.of findingswas published in cancer cellprovide evidence that the pancreatic tumor microbiome reflects or influences the trajectory of pancreatic tumor growth.
“In our study, we found that pancreatic cancer samples contained many microbes that affected cell metabolism, DNA damage, and inflammation. But it was also influencing how they interacted with other cells in the microenvironment.” Dr. Subajyoti DeSenior Researcher Rutgers Cancer Institute Senior author of the study. By comparison, healthy pancreatic tissue had almost no microbial presence.
De mentioned two long-standing issues. Why pancreatic cancer has such a low survival rate, and why immunotherapy doesn’t work for this type of tumor. “Our study suggests that many immune cells within the pancreatic cancer microenvironment may actually be fighting infection and not the tumor, and that’s what immunotherapy is all about.” “Perhaps microbes keep immune cells away from fighting cancer.”
The team relied on a novel genomic approach to help distinguish between microbial origins within the tumor environment. They developed a technique called SAHMI (single-cell analysis of host-microbiome interactions) to identify microbes associated with individual human cells.
“We took pancreatic tumor tissue, made a single-cell suspension, and then sequenced the individual cells and their subcellular contents,” De explains. “Using SAHMI to sequence millions of RNAs from individual cells, we were able to distinguish between human RNA and other species, and to find out which microbes were in the tumor.”
After studying two independent groups of pancreatic tumors, the researchers found that some had bacteria associated with specific cell types within the tumor that were essentially absent in normal pancreatic tissue. Did. These bacteria were primarily located within tumor cells and their abundance correlated with cancer-associated cell activity. Certain features of the discovered microbes predicted particularly aggressive cancer progression and poor prognosis. “With this new technique, we were able to identify tumor-associated microbes and simultaneously measure host cell activity,” he says.
Microbial footprints within pancreatic tumors raised the question of whether the immune cells that were present were responding to the cancer or the microbes. Yes,” said De. “We know that most types of cancer actually have microbes, including cancers that were historically thought to have nothing to do with microbes.” He theorizes that microbes may be bystanders, taking advantage of available free resources. It could be affecting other things that are sexual,” he added.
Going forward, De and colleagues plan to learn more about how microbes affect cell function—which are good and which are bad. Regarding the potential for clinical research, we would like to see if microbial infections affect response to treatment, especially immunotherapy. “Perhaps this will show why immunotherapy may not be effective, so some aspects of immunotherapy can be redesigned and improved,” said De. increase.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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