Dozens of families living in public housing in Cairo, Illinois, demand relocation over claims that an apartment will not survive the earthquake | News
CAIRO, Illinois – Families living in an apartment building in Cairo, Illinois, were told Wednesday that they would have to move after the Alexander County Housing Authority told them that the Department of Housing and Urban Development believed the building posed a health and safety risk. to the possibility of earthquakes.
A letter received by residents, shared by a viewer with Local 6, said residents of the Connell F. Smith apartment building in Cairo would be asked to move.
The message partially says:
“HUD has also learned through multiple engineering studies that the Smith Building may not survive an earthquake event from the nearby New Madrid Seismic Zone. There are many variables that we cannot predict, including the location and magnitude of a potential earthquake. Therefore, HUD believes this constitutes A concern for the health and safety of residents. Although we are unable to determine when the earthquake occurred, HUD wants to make sure that at no point are our residents harmed.”
The letter goes on to inform the people living in the Smith Building that they will have to move due to “these significant safety concerns”. The letter says the Housing Authority will provide them with transitional advisors; that families have the option to apply for public housing with adjacent programs in Illinois, Missouri, and Kentucky; And they are not expected to leave immediately.
Southern Illinois nonprofit human services organization Arrowleaf claims that residents of the Smith Building will only have 30 days to find another home, and says more than 60 people will be affected by HUD’s decision.
“Just as we did in 2017 with 185 families evacuated from McBride and Elmwood apartments in Cairo, we created a fund to help residents of the Smith Building relocate,” Arrowleaf said in a Facebook post on Wednesday.
Cairo made national headlines several years ago when HUD announced its decision to demolish the McBride and Elmwood apartment complexes. In 2017, HUD said these two complexes were beyond repair after years of mismanagement, reporting more than 1,300 health and safety issues found during two inspections in 2016 and 2017. All residents had been evacuated as of 2018. .
Also in Alexander County, 31 families in Thebes were asked to move after the Alexander County Housing Authority told them in 2018 that two apartment buildings would be demolished because their improvement would be too costly. In 2018, Local 6 spoke with a woman who was forced to leave her apartment in Thebes just six months after she moved there from the Elmwood complex. “I am so angry with people. They lied,” Logan Gay told Local 6 reporter. “This was supposed to be a permanent place. This is not always a place.”
Between the closures in Cairo and the closures of Thebes, nearly 500 people have been affected, ProPublica reported in April 2018 — and children make up nearly half that number.
The fact that many of those displaced by previous closures of public housing were children has raised concerns about how the Cairo school district will materialize after losing a large proportion of students.
Additionally, in 2018, James Wilson, the former director of the Alexander County Housing Authority, was ordered to pay $500,000 in a settlement after HUD found that he had made more than $900,000 in false expense claims while serving as ACHA director.
Regarding the eventual closure of the Smith Building, Arrowleaf says he is working to help residents relocate, “will verify that the individual resides in the Smith Building and complete a needs assessment with each individual to ensure that the purchase is necessary and within reason. Requests for assistance will be processed in our Cairo office. The object is at 1401 Washington Ave.”
The Southern Illinois Agency in Carbondale reports that HUD made a commitment five years ago to keep the Smith Building open, and that management has since invested millions of dollars in improvements there, including elevators and sewage system upgrades. The newspaper reported that residents who attended a meeting on the decision expressed their frustration and shared their doubts about the earthquake risk, which the administration claims was behind the decision to evacuate the residents. Several who live in the Smith Building told HUD they didn’t want to move, the South reports, citing a man who said, “Stop moving our people out of town. Build something new here.”
Sources 2/ https://www.wpsdlocal6.com/news/dozens-of-families-in-public-housing-in-cairo-illinois-told-to-relocate-over-claims-apartment/article_415a3f4a-562c-11ed-8cc3-8f7f062f885f.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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