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SC-URBM can stop severe damage to buildings from earthquake

SC-URBM can stop severe damage to buildings from earthquake


Buildings technically called unreinforced construction (URM) are more likely to be damaged or collapsed during an earthquake. URM buildings have traditionally been widely adopted all over the world due to the inexpensive and locally available building materials.

Researchers have now found a solution to retrofit old buildings that are not earthquake resistant with a technique called SC-URBM that can prevent severe damage to such structures from earthquakes without compromising their strength. The results have been published in the ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering. SC-URBM can solve the problem of the spread of settlements in earthquake-prone areas with structures that have been built without following earthquake precautionary building codes.

“Just as in most developing countries located in earthquake-prone areas, unreinforced brick construction (URBM) has been a common practice in urban, semi-urban and rural areas of India.

Since major parts of India are under seismic zone III or above and most of the URBM buildings are old and structurally damaged, the reinforcement of URBM buildings located in earthquake prone areas is of utmost importance,” said an official from the Ministry of Science and Technology (DST).

The project was under DST’s Fund for Scientific and Technological Infrastructure Improvement (FIST) program. The researchers explored to what extent retrofitting old buildings with SC-URBM technology could solve the problem.

They found that SC-URBM can significantly enhance the energy dissipation capacity and ductility of the modified building without compromising its strength. Hence these buildings will have superior performance compared to URBM buildings during earthquakes.

The idea of ​​the technology emerged from confined masonry, an earthquake-resistant building system where masonry walls are built first, and concrete columns and beams are then poured to enclose (confine) the wall.

The SC-URBM technology has a similar concept but does not need to be implemented at the construction stage. This involves incorporating reinforced concrete belts through the partial thickness of the wall and can be implemented or modified in older buildings, the official said.

The researchers, Lakshmi Latha, Samet Rai Choudhury, Subarno Mukhopadhyay and Konwar Bajpai, conducted experiments on two identical, fully identical single-storey brick buildings – a fully unreinforced building (URBM), the other modified with horizontal and vertical semi-reinforcement. Concrete Elements (RC) (SC-URBM).

The two buildings were subjected to a test called the slow reverse quasi-cyclic loading protocol to estimate the improved seismic performance of the SC-URBM compared to that of the URBM.

The Pseudo-dynamic Test Facility (PDTF) was developed for the affordable evaluation of earthquake resistance of complete modular structural systems under the guidance of Professor Dorgish C. Ray, and they demonstrated that the technology provides a better integrated functioning of the restraining elements and load-bearing walls to achieve improved seismic performance.




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