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What TN Parents Need to Know

What TN Parents Need to Know
What TN Parents Need to Know


Nashville, Tennessee (WKRN) – This cough and cold season has forced entire Tennessee school districts to close. Doctors say they are battling both flu cases and RSV at exactly the same time.

Dr. Joseph Gigante, professor of pediatrics at Vanderbilt’s Monroe-Carrel Jr. Children’s Hospital, said:

Dr Gigante said influenza and respiratory syncytial virus cases have been reported very early this season. It is important that the parent be able to spot the difference between her two viruses. Both can be accompanied by coughing, nasal congestion, and runny nose. However, in the case of RSV, the virus can enter the infant’s lungs and cause inflammation.

“We’re looking to see if they’re working hard to breathe. Are they breathing really fast? Do you see them moving their chest up and down really fast, really fast?” “

Also, pay close attention to your baby’s color. If the pink color changes to especially blue, it could be a severe case of RSV. When it comes to the flu, high fever, body aches, and loss of appetite are obvious symptoms, which doctors say can be soothed with Motrin or Tylenol.

“Make sure you have liquids on board so you don’t dry out and become dehydrated.”

Two years after COVID took over the emergency room, things are changing. COVID numbers are declining, but doctors say it wasn’t years before the flu and his RSV rates were this high.

“The incidence of influenza and the incidence of RSV during the COVID period and during the COVID pandemic has been very low. I think it may be one of the reasons why RSV is so early and so serious.”

As you know, COVID and flu vaccines are available, but not RSV, at least not yet. Researchers at Vanderbilt University are working on its development.

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“We have some encouraging results in terms of bringing an RSV vaccine to market in the next year or two.”

Dr Gigante is concerned that COVID numbers could rise by winter, after which doctors are battling a so-called “triple demic” of COVID, RSV, and influenza.




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