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Effects of this year’s flu vaccination

Effects of this year’s flu vaccination
Effects of this year’s flu vaccination


The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that the flu has already infected more than 2.5 million people this season, with the southeastern and south-central regions of the United States seeing the highest number of cases ever. (CDC)Influenza typically peaks between December and February, but starts to peak in November.this is symptomsFever, aches, tiredness, coughing, and sore throat are similar to COVID and the common cold, so tests are the best way to determine which virus you have. As of last week, more than 5% of his medical visits were associated with respiratory illness, and more than 6,000 people were hospitalized with the flu. Overall flu hospitalization rates this season are higher than at this point in the last decade.

“I’m certainly interested in that trajectory,” said Dr. Scott Roberts, associate medical director for infection control at Yale-New Haven Hospital. luck. “It’s going up almost exponentially right now.”

The surge in RSV cases and the ongoing COVID outbreak have led many experts to believe thattriple demic,” can be difficult this holiday season. Experts recommend that people 6 months and older get the flu her vaccine, which targets her four different strains of influenza. This is similar to how COVID vaccines have migrated against different subspecies, says Roberts.

How effective is this year’s flu shot?

The US is tracking how flu manifests itself in the Southern Hemisphere during the winter flu season to predict what will happen in prime season. Roberts said he tends to have a “good” season when vaccine efficacy is between 40% and 60%.

According to the CDC, this year’s flu shot is nearly 50% effective against hospitalizations due to major strains of influenza.

Flu vaccines work to reduce the spread of influenza and reduce the number of hospitalizations and deaths. It helps prevent “bad outcomes” in those who do get sick, says Roberts.

“Its main purpose is really to reduce the severity of the disease, not necessarily to completely prevent it from occurring. This is very difficult to do because the flu mutates so quickly.” says Roberts. “Vaccines serve their designed purpose of preventing people from dying and going to the hospital.” much lower. Effectiveness depends on how well the vaccine matches the virus strain each year.

When is the flu vaccination most effective?

People are most protected from the flu two weeks after vaccination, when their bodies have had enough time to produce the antibodies they need to fight the virus.

Depending on how the flu mutates during the season, people may become more susceptible to it, Roberts explains. Children may react differently to vaccines depending on when they are vaccinated during the season.

“As the virus mutates further, the risk of my antibodies becoming unresponsive to it or unable to kill it effectively diminishes over time,” he said, adding that the flu vaccine will be available in September. It states that people who have been vaccinated may be more susceptible to illness. For example, if the virus mutates, he will have more people infected in December than those who were vaccinated in November.

Influenza cases typically begin to rise in early November, so Roberts recommends getting vaccinated in October, but it’s never too late to get vaccinated now. The level of protection someone receives is “up to the patient,” but Roberts said getting the flu shot increases the chances of not getting sick.

During the 2019-2020 flu season, the CDC estimates that vaccines prevented 7.5 million flu cases, more than 100,000 hospitalizations, and more than 6,000 deaths.

Who responds well to flu vaccinations?

According to the CDC, age and health also affect the effectiveness of flu vaccinations. People under the age of 65 tend to have better protection against influenza after being vaccinated. The CDC recommends her three specific flu her vaccines for people over the age of 65.

The bodies of people who are undergoing chemotherapy or who have a suppressed immune system may not be able to produce the antibodies they need to fight off the virus, says Roberts. It’s important to talk to your doctor about additional ways to maintain your

If the specific vaccine you are looking for is not available, Expert They say that getting an available vaccine is still the best option.

Is flu vaccination still worth it?

Experts say no. Vaccines don’t protect people 100% from infection, but they do help reduce the risk of serious illness overall and reduce the burden on hospitals.

Especially when people get together with loved ones or people with compromised immune systems or who are at high risk of getting seriously ill.

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