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Long-term risks of COVID for children and adults are similar: study

Long-term risks of COVID for children and adults are similar: study



A study reveals the extent of post-COVID morbidity among children and adolescents as Australia is in the midst of a new wave of infections.

Sick child lying on mom's lap.

Common post-COVID symptoms documented in this study include malaise, fatigue, cough, chest pain, headache, anxiety, abdominal pain, and depression.

Research published in pros medicineshows that children, teenagers and adults are being diagnosed with higher rates of new physical and mental health problems months after COVID infection.

Overall, COVID-infected children and adolescents were 30% more likely to document health problems three months after infection. Symptoms include malaise, fatigue, cough, chest pain, headache, anxiety, abdominal pain, and depression.

Over the same period after diagnosis, adults with COVID were 33% more likely to have health problems with symptoms such as breathing difficulties, chest pain, hair loss, fatigue, headaches, and smell/taste disturbances.

RACGP Expert Panel – Quality Care Member Dr. Magdalena Simonis said: News GP This is important research.

“We are seeing more and longer COVID patients, and it can manifest in many different ways.

In line with previous studies, German researchers observed that the incidence of long-term sequelae in children and adolescents with COVID is generally lower than in adults and appears to be less pronounced in absolute terms.

However, high infection rates Over 80% of the population Due to the virus, the authors emphasize that post-COVID syndrome cannot be ignored among children and adolescents.

Dr. Simonis reports common symptoms seen in long-term COVID include atypical chest pain, palpitations, irregular heartbeat, brain fog, lack of refreshment after rest, and reduced exercise tolerance.

Another common one is fatigue, which can be difficult to pinpoint in children.

“The problem is, they can’t describe their symptoms like adults do, so they’ll probably never know exactly what they’re going through,” says Dr. Simonis.

“They don’t connect less obvious symptoms to what’s going on in their bodies, which can make it harder to pinpoint something as diffuse as fatigue.”

Using data covering almost half of the population and spanning the entire year 2019 and 2020, German researchers compared PCR-positive COVID patients to controls and those entered into medical records at least 3 months after infection. The occurrence of pre-specified diagnoses was compared.

They conclude that COVID diagnoses are associated with higher long-term demand for health care services, as reflected in outpatient and inpatient diagnoses more than three months after confirmed infection. attached.

Also, although children and adolescents appear to be less susceptible than adults, the findings are statistically significant for all age groups.

REC – QC Member Associate Professor Paresh Dawda said News GP Continued research is needed.

“We need to be open about the long-term COVID consequences and what they are or are not,” he said.

“We need to respond when patients present to us, but more importantly, we need learning systems that gather data and information to gain meaningful insights.”

Meanwhile, regarding the situation in Australia in 2022, Dr Simonis said the burden of other respiratory viruses that could exacerbate long-standing symptoms of COVID is high.

“There are still many viruses circulating,” she said. “Sometimes you do swabs for COVID, but you may have another virus, such as RSV or parainfluenza. You may find that you are.

“Another thing we see is [that] I used to have COVID, but now I have another virus and it can be hard to know what’s what.

“With the change from lockdown to open mixed, more children are likely to be infected with different viruses. may be distorted.”

But Dr. Simonis says the prolonged COVID presents an opportunity for GPs to do what they do best.

“I know COVID is different from other diseases. It’s different from the common cold,” she said.

“We know it has a prothrombin component and can cause microvascular disease, and as a result, recovery times may differ from the common cold.

“I give them comprehensive care. It is an opportunity to talk about their lifestyle and recovery.

“We don’t use that word much anymore. Previously, in some conditions, recovery periods of weeks or months were expected. COVID has taught us that there are recovery periods. But that doesn’t mean they won’t get better.

“Patients should look to their primary care physicians for an optimistic and holistic approach to their management. I am optimistic.

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