Insufficient amoxicillin?What Michigans Should Know

For Mike Crow, one of the scariest moments of parenthood was watching his 18-month-old daughter contract respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and struggle to breathe.
After further evaluation, Crowe’s daughter was diagnosed with a secondary infection, pneumonia, and was prescribed amoxicillin, a popular antibiotic. But when he went to fill his prescription, he saw signs indicating a shortage of medicine. For example, receiving another strength that is low in supply and instructed to cut the dosage in half.
“Unless you can get your hands on the original drug, you can’t change the strength,” said Crow, a Grand Blanc pharmacist and president of the Michigan Pharmacists Association.
His experience, along with anecdotal evidence from other pharmacists across the state, confirmed national reports of amoxicillin shortages dating back to at least late October.
Amoxicillin is used to treat certain bacterial infections, including pneumonia, bronchitis, ear, nose, throat, urinary tract, and skin infections. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria.
Amoxicillin remains available, including on a quota basis from some providers, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. At least one domestic provider indicates limited supply expected in the first quarter of 2023.
Related: What Parents Need to Know About RSV and the Three Outbreak Threats
Antibiotics like amoxicillin are not used for viral infections such as RSV, COVID-19, and influenza.
“I think many people prescribe amoxicillin for ongoing coughs, colds and flu,” said Dr. Asha Shajahan, primary care physician at Corewell Health East.
“But from a physician’s perspective, we need to stress to the community that not all coughs and colds require antibiotics and that antibiotics are reserved for bacterial infections. Most of what we’re seeing is influenza, RSV and COVID, all three of which are viral infections that don’t require antibiotics.”
Viral infections like RSV are unlikely to be responsible for the increased demand for amoxicillin, but they may leave patients more susceptible to secondary infections such as pneumonia and ear infections that can be treated with antibiotics, Corewell said. explained Stephanie Field, director of pharmacy services at . Western Michigan Health.
RSV, Increase in pediatric patients In Michigan hospitals, it is the most common cause of pneumonia (lung infection) in children under the age of 1 in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Related: Child hospitalizations are on the rise as respiratory viruses spread
Michigan pharmacies are reportedly running out of powdered amoxicillin, but there are other options.
Pharmacists typically reconstitute powders into liquid form for children who cannot take tablets or capsules. Reconstituting tabs/capsules into liquid form is an option for pharmacists, but requires more work. .
They can also look to different strengths to alter dosages, or offer combo drugs like Augmentin, which contains amoxicillin, among other antibiotics. used when becomes resistant to amoxicillin.
“Your pharmacist is in a unique position to help you navigate it,” Field said of those struggling to find amoxicillin. and to facilitate it for them, and I don’t know if they realize that they really are the perfect person to do that job for you.
For most Michigans, looking for antibiotics shouldn’t be the first step after getting cold-like symptoms. Rather than seeking treatment, he said he should stay home and monitor his symptoms.
If symptoms persist, contact your doctor to determine the best course of action. Tests are available to distinguish COVID-19, influenza, RSV from bacterial infections such as strep throat and pneumonia.
“Knowing the diagnosis of what you have will help guide your treatment,” she said. is ineffective and requires more supportive care.”
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