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Widespread COVID-19 infection announced at billings care facility


Billings-The Billings Care facility, announced on Tuesday, recently received the results of 43 residents and 15 staff members testing positive for COVID-19.

In a press release issued Tuesday, officials at Canyon Creek Memory Care Community said a total of 55 residents and 56 staff were tested. Seven resident and 26 staff are negative, and test results are pending for 9 resident and 15 staff.

Two positive inpatients were admitted. 1785 The facility at Majestic Lane is under quarantine, in press release, and residents and families are notified of the situation.

“Since the outbreak of COVID-19, we have closely monitored and implemented all guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and state and local health departments to prevent viral transmission,” said the press release. “In mid-February this year, a protocol to prevent exposure to COVID-19 was introduced at Canyon Creek. These preventive procedures should include visits only to essential people or in end-of-life situations. Restrictions, admission to all personal screening communities (including staff), temperature, travel history, known exposure, and increased supply of both food and PPE.In collaboration with RiverStoneHealth, staff, We appreciate the support and cooperation of our residents, and the family at Canyon Creek Memory Care. Protecting the well-being of our residents and staff is our top priority.”

Relation: Yellowstone County Health Officer Restricts Visits to Retirement Homes

RiverStone Health announced this press release late Tuesday:

RiverStone Health and Montana Public Health Authorities are working to track the contact of 58 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 positives at one of Elders’ Care facilities in Billings.

A positive result of these tests was 15 employees and 43 residents of the Canyon Creek Memory Care Community, a licensed facility in the West End. There are two hospitalized patients.

“Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been concerned about the outbreak of older people in housing,” said John Felton, Health Officer in Yellowstone County and River River Health’s President and CEO. It was “Canyon Creek is just one of the seven elderly homes that have recently reported illness to residents and employees.”

Felton goes on to say: “Seniors in collective living environments are particularly vulnerable to the tragic consequences of being infected with COVID-19. In this particular example, personal hygiene guidance is followed to communicate with people with impaired cognitive function. We are particularly concerned because it is difficult and requires predictable routines.”

Canyon Creek management reportedly notified all residents and their representatives of the outbreak and test results.

Canyon Creek is licensed by the Montana Department of Health and Human Services as a living support facility. The state needs assisted living facilities to isolate residents who test positive and, if negative, those who are exposed to the virus.

The facility works with River Stone Health to set separate living conditions for residents who respond positively and those who respond negatively. Staff who care for those residents are also isolated, thereby reducing the potential for cross contamination. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will issue COVID-19 test guidance in response to outbreaks in older people’s living settings and RiverStone Health will work with Canyon Creek to help follow the guidance.

RiverStone Health will investigate each case associated with this facility and ensure adequate supply of masks, gowns, gloves and other personal protective equipment and that all PPE are adequate to prevent further spread of the virus. Has been used for.

“In the early stages of the investigation, the outbreak of these people was limited, so the outbreak was likely to have started from staff or visitors infected with COVID-19,” Felton said. “This is a heartbreaking example of what happens if we don’t comply with 3W. Wash your hands, look at the distance and wear a mask.”

Most people, with mild symptoms and recovery, can become infected with COVID-19 at any age and become severe. According to the CDC, 8 in 10 deaths from COVID-19 in the United States occur among people age 65 and older.

Surveillance tests over the past few weeks have found few positive cases of residents and staff in Yellowstone County supporting living facilities and nursing homes.

Last week, as the number of cases of COVID-19 surged in Yellowstone County, Felton issued a health official order banning most visits to elderly care and living facilities for the elderly in Yellowstone County. Felton issued its order on Friday after learning that seven senior care facilities reported infecting residents or staff.

Yellowstone County has identified 96 new COVID-19 infections between 1 July and 6 July. This is more than a month after the pandemic arrived in Montana.


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