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Google Cloud Wants CISOs To Do More About Diversity

Google Cloud Wants CISOs To Do More About Diversity



Cybersecurity is changing rapidly. New and bigger threats are constantly emerging across an ever-expanding attack surface, and there aren’t enough people to fill the vacant jobs.

For this reason, “not all organizations are focused on diversity and inclusion,” MK Palmore, director of Google Cloud’s office of chief information security officer, told The Register.

“We as an industry are obsessed with looking for people who want to be there and do it and want the talent to jump in and run,” he continued. , we need to broaden our horizons as to what represents bringing new talent into the field.”

While this requires investing financial and human resources to train people without a traditional information security background, Palmore says the payoff is worth it for several reasons. said.

First, there is a well-documented labor shortage of around 3 million workers. The security skills gap will persist until organizations hire outside of their existing cybersecurity workforce. “You can’t keep sending people from one company to the next,” he said.

Additionally, different people bring different perspectives and ideas on how to solve the problem. Information security He said the community is still predominantly male (76%) and predominantly white (72%), and diversity is needed to produce better results, he said. increase.

If you don’t understand the importance of diversity, you will continue to fail

“If your input remains single-focused or mono-cultural, or is typically from regular circles, you can expect the same results,” he added. It is imperative that the industry continues to grow and thrive, and if you do not understand the importance of diversity, you will continue to misfire instead of seeing if you can get ahead of your opponents. ”

To this end, Google Cloud recently partnered with Cybersity. Cyversity aims to get more women and underrepresented minorities into information security jobs. Palmer also sits on Cybersity’s board of directors. Along with the SANS Institute and Palo Alto Networks, the organization and cloud giant also announced the Cybersity SANS Diversity Academy. The academy will provide free education and training to get nearly 200 women and underrepresented minorities into cybersecurity jobs.

Black, Latinx, and Native American men, along with women of all ethnicities, can apply for the six-month program through November 23rd.

This mission is also personal to Palmore, who came to Google from a non-traditional background and assumed the role of CISO.

From the FBI to the CISO’s Google Cloud office

Palmer grew up in Washington, D.C., and after graduating from high school, attended a lifelong dream of attending the United States Naval Academy. After she graduated from college, she served in the Marine Corps for five years, after which she joined the FBI.

“I showed some interest in the FBI at their regional office in San Diego. They jumped at the opportunity to recruit and bring in African-American Marine officers who were Annapolis graduates,” Palmour said. rice field.

The FBI assigned Palmer to a field office in Los Angeles, where he “worked on all the traditional cases” assigned to new agents, such as bank robberies and domestic terrorism. It wasn’t until I moved to the Sacramento division that I started working on it.

“It was the mid-2000s, and the FBI was desperate to understand how the internet and technology were being used for terrorist communications,” he recalled. “I was in charge of a fairly average terrorist case.”

“Average” means that the technology used by the terrorists was complex, but the incident itself was not well publicized. “But it had such a big technical component that it set my mind on fire,” said Palmer. I understood the availability through my experience as an FBI agent, and it opened a whole new door for me.”

He then took all the security training courses the agency allowed and began working on more cyber-related cases in the field.

Palmore retired from the FBI in 2019 after spending more than 32 years in the U.S. government to take up the role of CISO Advisor at Palo Alto Networks. He moved to Google Cloud last year.

“Go to a place with diverse talent”

At Google, we spend a lot of time talking to CISOs from other organizations. Clearly, cloud security is a frequently discussed topic. Diversity and Inclusion The way women and minorities are hired and retained should be par for the airtime, Palmer said.

Instead of waiting for workers to find an industry, “we have to go where there’s diverse talent and make them realize there’s an opportunity,” he said. “I am talking about college-level women and underrepresented minorities who may have never considered a career in cybersecurity. The new industry opportunity that exists across the globe is cybersecurity.”

There are enough “subdomains” within the industry that don’t require a background in coding or software development, he added. “Part of the challenge is that we have to do a better job of giving people opportunities and then getting them trained.”

Diversity Academy opens

This is where the Cybersity SANS Diversity Academy comes into play. Applicant must be 18 years of age or older, not currently in a cybersecurity role (other IT jobs are fine), North America, South America, or Europe. must be Middle East and Africa.

Selected participants will receive a free scholarship and certification to attend at least one training course. Phase 1 of the six-month program includes vendor training, giving applicants access to Google Cloud and Palo Alto Networks training. Applicants selected for Phase 2 attend SANS’s basic her SEC275 training course and receive GFACT certification. And finally, those who advance to Phase 3 take her more advanced SANS courses and become GIAC certified.

SANS offers several other similar “immersion” academy programs that provide technical training, and within six months of completing the program, 90% of graduates land a new job in cybersecurity. claim.

The training organization partnered with Cyversity on a California-only pilot program before rolling out a larger diversity academy, according to Max Shuftan, Director of Mission Programs and Partnerships at SANS.

“What I hear when I talk to customers is that if your team isn’t diverse, it hurts them,” says Shuftan. “It weakens and undermines their culture. As a result, they have problems with retention, they have problems with recruitment, and these vacancies put them at risk of threat and breach. increase.”




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