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Reading Royals re-signs last year’s top scorer, hoping that hockey can return in the fall Royals


Frank DiChiara did the math. Ninety-six days had passed since the last time he skated.

One morning, DiChiara landed some ice age with the help of a former youth coach. He arrived just before five o’clock, put his things on the back of his truck and went into the ice rink with a mask.

For 60 minutes, last season’s Reading Royals top scorer was back on familiar ground.

I got a call four hours later, DiChiara said. They closed the ice rink again.

DiChiara became the first player to re-sign with the Royals for their 20-year anniversary season on Tuesday. It should start in October, but no one knows when and if it will happen.

This is the strangest offseason for professional hockey players. Training is challenging with gyms and ice rinks closed in many places. DiChiara said he hadn’t been without skating that long since he broke his leg when he was 7.

When the COVID-19 outbreak canceled the rest of the ECHL season in March, it was suspected that things would return to normal by fall. That is not certain at the moment.

ECHL teams are announcing their signing as a way to spark interest. Everyone hopes for the best and avoids the worst.

You try to remain optimistic about things, DiChiara said. At the same time, there is so much uncertainty. You should try to pretend everything as normal and start on time.

DiChiara did his best to stay in shape while living with his parents on Long Island. The fourth year pro goes for a run, roller skating occasionally, and even takes a few laps in the family’s above-ground pool. Four strokes advance the 6-1, 238 pounds.

Last season was a breakthrough for DiChiara, which ended with 22 goals and 37 assists in 59 games. He became the point-per-game force head coach Kirk MacDonald he envisioned when he first signed the Yale grad in July 2018.

The Royals rushed to the playoffs as one of the top contenders for the Kelly Cup. They played a game on March 10, practiced on March 12, had the season canceled on March 14 and held their exit interviews on March 16.

It was kind of a whirlwind, DiChiara said. I remember hanging around and thought there was a chance we could play. Then it was like, wow, our season is over.

The Royals won the ECHL’s Rising Star award, awarded to the team with the most annual growth in total sales. They have big plans to celebrate their 20th anniversary, which began with the unveiling of new jerseys last week.

DiChiara is an important part of the 2020-21 picture. He is one of only 18 players to score at least 100 points for the Royals. This will be his third season in Reading.

One of the reasons he wanted to return was to complete the playoff run that was taken four months ago.

We really had the opportunity to do something special, DiChiara said. We all had that sour, bitter taste in our mouth with the way it ended. It’s ripped from under our feet. There are many guys with that unfinished business mindset.

DiChiara and his teammates hope they get the chance to finish it.

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