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Higbee scrimmages, Moberly girls basketball and tennis camp, Spartan golf tournament offered – Sports – Moberly Monitor Index – Moberly, MO


Higbee Hoop Scrimmages

The audience is welcome to attend a series of preparatory basketball scrimmages to be held Wednesday, July 8 in the Higbee High School gymnasium, where the Tigers Northwestern of Mendon boys and girls teams will play.

A scrimmage for boys will have a tip-off from 5:30 pm and 7:10 pm, while the girls will compete at 6:20 pm and 8:00 pm Scrimmages will consist of two 16-minute running halves of the clock with some modified game rules, Higbee head coach Tanner Burton reported.

There is no cost to attend. However, due to social distance requirements, there is a limit of 100 people in the gym. All those present must have their temperature checked and meet certain health safety requirements.

Also, no food or drinks are sold and those present must bring their own drinks

Girls HoopsCamp

Moberly varsity girl coach Tony Vestal will host a girls’ basketball camp in the high school gym on July 13-15.

Athletes entering numbers 9-12 will participate from 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM and those entering numbers 6-8 can arrive from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM

The cost is $ 20 and the fee includes a T-shirt.

For more information, please contact Vestal by email at [email protected].

Tennis camp

Melissa Davidson, who is entering her first season as Lady Spartan’s head tennis coach this fall, announced that she will be offering a girls tennis camp from July 13-17.

Female athletes who enter grades 9-12 and are interested in playing high school tennis should attend camp during the 9-11 hours on the high school tennis courts.

Spartan’s golf tournament

The Heritage Mobility Golf Course hosts the annual Moberly Spartan Booster Club Golf Tournament on Saturday, August 29. The 4-person scramble event serves as a fundraiser for all high school and high school athletics programs in the school district.

The cost is $ 60 per person, who would be placed on a team, or $ 240 per team, and the deadline to register is August 10. The costs include lunch. Prizes are awarded to top teams.

Hole sponsorship is also available.

A registration form can be found on the school district website at

Checks will be made payable to Moberly Spartan Booster Club and sent to Tricia Stoneking, Club Treasurer, at 1246 Woodridge Lane, Moberly, MO 65270.

For more information, please contact Club President Bill Martin at [email protected].

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