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Travel land and sea on a James Bond-style aqua tricycle and see the world in a revolutionary new floating home


Adventure lovers can sail the 007 Sea on a James Bond-style aqua tricycle.

The electric Z-Triton can cross land and sea like the Lotus Esprit of The Spy Who Loved Me.


Electric Z-Triton can travel overland and sea Credit: Solent News


Adventure lovers can realize their dreams and travel like James Bond in Lotus Esprit.


Designer Eigers Rouges came up with an eccentric car after a four-year bicycle trip from London to Tokyo. Credit: Solent News


Floating house is perfect for a weekend outdoor vacation Credit: Solent News


8,000 prototypes have space for 2 people

It may not be all that appealing, but the 8,000 prototypes have a kitchen and space where two people can sleep.

Designer Eigers Rouges came up with an eccentric car after traveling by bicycle from London to Tokyo for four years.

He says floating houses are perfect for weekend wild trips and expeditions around the world.

The light blue piece of the house has a kitchen, lighting, fans and a charging station.

The kitchen has a folding table and an integrated interior for storage.

When the seats are removed, the interior space becomes a bedroom, where two adults can sleep.

The vehicle is equipped with an electric boat engine with two 250 watt electric motor hubs and solar panels.

The body of the house and boat is made of plywood and fiberglass.

To switch the Z-Triton from a bicycle to a boat, the user must loosen the rear wheels to make room for the float on either side.

A spokesman for the company behind the product, Zeltini, said: The camper can comfortably sleep two people, allowing both long adventures and a quick escape to nature.

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The small amphibious e-bike camper has been tested, has good performance and is fun to ride and drive in both winter and summer conditions.

The bike is still in the prototype stage, but the team hopes to make it available to the public sometime next year.

Buyers can choose either the ready-made version or the DIY version.


The designer says: “A small amphibious e-bike camper has been tested, works well, and is fun to ride and drive in both winter and summer conditions.” Credit: Solent News


The bike is still in the prototype stage, but the team hopes to make it publicly available sometime next year Credit: Solent News


Designer modifies prototype craftCredit: Solent News


Testing Waters Credits: Solent News


Buyers can look forward to endless adventures, but the innovative design sleeps only two


Credits for “Hybrid” to Navigate Land and Water: Solent News


The vehicle is equipped with an electric boat engine with two 250 watt electric motor hubs and solar panels. Credit: Solent News


The part of the house in the bright blue works has a kitchen, lighting, fans and a charging station Credit: Solent News


Credit: Solent News

Z-Triton control panel

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