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An old disaster video with false claims appears to show the ‘2022 Indonesia earthquake’

An old disaster video with false claims appears to show the ‘2022 Indonesia earthquake’


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An old clip of a village swallowed by soil has been viewed thousands of times on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube along with the false claim that it shows the aftermath of the deadly earthquake that rocked Cianjur in Indonesia in 2022. In fact, the clip shows satellite images taken when a powerful earthquake hit the swathes A vast area of ​​Palu, the capital of Sulawesi, was flattened in 2018.

The video has been viewed more than three million times after it was posted here on Facebook on November 22, 2022.

Text superimposed on the video indicates its alleged location to “Cianjur” – a rural area in the Indonesian province of West Java that was hit by a shallow, deadly earthquake on November 21, 2022.

“After the earthquake, there was ground movement. It’s absolutely terrible,” reads the video’s Indonesian text overlay.

Screenshot of the misleading post, taken on November 25, 2022

By November 27, 2022, at least 321 people were killed in the 5.6-magnitude earthquake, which caused landslides and building collapses in Cianjur.

The video has over 69,000 views after it was shared with a similar claim here on Facebook; And also here, here and here on YouTube.

Days after the Cianjur earthquake, the footage was also shared along with an English-language claim about “an earthquake recently occurred in Indonesia” by Twitter users in India, Pakistan and Australia; So are Facebook users in Malaysia, Sri Lanka and the United States.

However, the video is old and shows an earthquake occurred in Indonesia years ago.

Central Sulawesi earthquake in 2018

Reverse image and keyword searches on Google found that the video was satellite imagery, posted here on Twitter by the late Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, spokesperson for Indonesia’s National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB), on October 6, 2018.

A tweet in part Indonesian reads: “Soil liquefaction process in Palu recorded by WorldView Satellite with a pixel resolution of 0.5 metres.

Houses and buildings were swept away and drowned in the quake’s mud.”

Soil liquefaction process in Palu as a result of WorldView satellite imagery recorded with a pixel resolution of 0.5 metres. The mud that appeared as a result of the earthquake swept away houses and buildings and drowned them. The Search and Rescue team continues to work on evacuation in this area. Victims continue to be found.

— Sutopo Purwo Nugroho (@Sutopo_PN) October 5, 2018

Sutopo posted satellite images several days after a 7.5-magnitude earthquake hit Indonesia’s Central Sulawesi province, including the capital, Palu, on September 28, 2018.

The earthquake triggered a tsunami and liquefaction – a phenomenon in which brute force shaking of the ground turns soil into quicksand – and killed more than 4,000 people in Palu and other parts of the province.

Here is a screenshot comparison of the video shared in the false post (left) and the original video from 2018 (right), with identical features marked by AFP:

Screenshot comparison of the video shared in the wrong post (left) and the original video from 2018 (right)

The same video was also posted here on YouTube by Indonesian broadcaster Kompas on October 6, 2018, with the title: “Here are the satellite images of soil liquefaction in Pitopo.”

Pitopo is a district in the southern part of Palu.

Indonesia experiences frequent seismic and volcanic activity due to its location on the Pacific Ocean’s “Ring of Fire,” where tectonic plates collide.




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