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In the deputy, the patients’ body was thrown on the sidewalk after 2 hospitals passed the dish


By: Express News Service | Bhopal |

Published: 8 July 2020 6:02:45 am

COVID-19, coronavirus, coronavirus deaths Madhya Pradesh, coronavirus cases Madhya Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh cops cornavirusus, Shivraj Singh Chouhan, indian express

A body of Covid patients was left on the sidewalk outside a private hospital in Bhopal for more than an hour late Monday after the private facility and a dedicated Covid hospital overturned, prompting the government to order a magisterial investigation.

Wajid Ali, an employee of an electricity company, was undergoing treatment for kidney disease at Peunities Hospital near Raj Bhavan for almost two weeks. He tested positive for coronavirus on Monday and an ambulance from Chirayu Hospital, located on the outskirts of the cities, was called in to send him there in the evening.

However, the ambulance driver, after covering some distance, returned to Pe Peys Hospital to put the patient in intubation but the hospital refused to accept him again, arguing that she had already sealed and fumigated the ICU and was not authorized to treat patients. Covida.

CCTV footage showed the ambulance driver and another person on a PPE device leaving what looked like a lifeless body on the sidewalk before returning to Chirayu Hospital. After some time, the staff of the People Hospital tried to resuscitate the patient, but in vain.

A spokesman for People’s Hospital claimed the ambulance had returned nearly 100 minutes after taking the patient and the ICU by then had been closed and smoked. He said ambulance staff waited half an hour and tried to forcefully accept the patient using a stretcher. He claimed to have notified the police, but was told it was not a forensic matter.

Chirayu Hospital said the driver made the right decision as the patient’s condition had already worsened and he would have collapsed without intubation because it would take a long time to get to the hospital due to traffic.

Members of the Alis family said hospitals did not keep them in the loop and they learned of the death much later.

Recognizing media reports about the incident, Prime Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan ordered an investigation.

Collector Avinash Lavania said the magisterial investigation would investigate obstacles to the patient’s relocation and whether the family would have been informed, adding that measures would be taken against the culprit.

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