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SB Nation NBA Disney Design: Rockets take Jiminy Cricket second overall


Yes, you heard that right. In honor of the NBA’s reboot at Disney World, the entire SB Nation NBA competition took part in a Disney player design. The idea was to find an angle where a fictional character could help the team, and with The Dream Shake making the second overall pick, we found the perfect piece to complement Daryl Moreys’ little ball approach.

# 2 Overall choice – Houston missiles design Jiminy Cricket by Pinocchio

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Photo by Tom Williams / Roll Call / Getty Images

If you thought the Rockets were small before then wait until you see their latest addition. Doubling up #PocketRockets, Houston has not only added the smallest player in the design, but also one of the most dynamic. Crickets can jump over 50 times their height, making them one of the most prolific jumpers in the animal kingdom. The lob game that left James Harden when Clint Chapel traded could return with this concept pick.

In addition, Jiminy has one of the highest basketball IQs in this concept class. Because he is really just the embodiment of a conscience, he always knows how to make the right decision on the field.

Off the pitch, Cricket has an impeccable sense of style and brings his 19th-century mens aesthetic to the well-known Houstons clubs. Hell fits together perfectly James Harden, complementing the more modern flavors of The Beards and with the perfect accent in true wingman fashion.

His classic rendition of When You Wish Upon a Star is sure to play in all Rockets home games in the future, and if the Rockets eventually win the title it would amount to Never underestimate a champion’s heart if the franchises are the most emotional lanyard.

With a length of 6.5 inches (not 65), Jiminy is positionless and fits like a glove in the shifting philosophy of Mike DAntoni and Daryl Moreys. If you’re that small, who cares if the man you’re guarding is 63 or 610? Either way, Cricket will rely on his supernatural jumping ability.

He does have to work a bit on his shooting, often just a little too small to even lift the ball, but if he gets off to a flying start and gets the chance to use his huge cricket hind legs to get some momentum behind him he practically unlimited range.

In the end, however, Crickets is a matchup nightmare for almost everyone when he is in violation. Imagine trying to hunt a Cricket off-ball. Does anyone have the agility to keep up with those cuts?

It fits the franchise perfectly. Such a perfect fit that he’s the only character even considered here. PocketRockets4life, everyone.


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