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Britain threatens China’s relationship, says Huawei chief in UK, Telecom News, ET Telecom


Britain is jeopardizing China's relationship, says Huawei's chief in the United KingdomBy Axel Threlfall

LONDON: Britain threatens to cut off long-term ties with China if Huawei bans it from its 5G network by order of the United States as part of a global battle for technological advantage, Reuters told the UK’s chairman of the technology group. .

John Browne, a pioneering voice in the UK Plc and former head of the BP oil giant, said Huawei had become a political football in a trade dispute escalating between the two superpowers and Britain was in danger of being harmed in the process.

Britain gave the telecommunications group a limited role on its 5G network earlier this year, but new U.S. sanctions on chip technology have put its status as a reliable supplier in doubt, and ministers are likely to take a tougher stance.

“There’s no diplomacy here,” Browne said during a virtual symposium on Reuters’ Better Build Better in London. “The UK has had a very long relationship with China and I hope it’s not what they’re just throwing away.”

Browne, in his last term as chairman of Huawei in the UK, said when he joined six years ago, no one could pronounce the company name or know what he did.

“Becomeshte has become very, very visible actually, and it has become a football between the United States and China,” he said.

The United States had seen China climb into technologies such as 5G and AI, he said, reflecting the space race in the 1950s when Russia was the first to launch a satellite.

“A very similar reaction is happening now, because it has always been in the US interest to be ascendant in this area, it has been good for the world as well,” said Browne, a veteran of navigating geopolitical tensions during his time at the PB that dealing with Russia.

If Britain stopped Huawei from its 5G networks, the future of the Chinese company in a country where it has invested millions of pounds in research and development would be in doubt.

“They clearly have a lot of business, everything from smartphones to 3G and 4G as well as this proposed 5G,” he said.

“If there is no business and they are prevented from doing business, I will wait for them to make decisions to withdraw.”

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