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Regularly monitored recruits will begin work in Quebec hit hard


TORONTO – As the military withdraws from Quebec’s long-term care facilities, thousands of Quebecers are preparing to enter.

Among those aiming to fill 10,000 regular positions on time for a possible second wave of COVID-19 are interns passing through industries severely affected by pandemics, such as former restaurant manager Maria And Paganon.

Although they completed the three-week fast training program, many feel insecure about the possibility of working in the most hit residences in Quebec, Paganon said.

I’m a little anxious getting into the system, she told CTV News. You don’t know what you’re going to see, you don’t know what you’re going to get into.

The province has been the strongest blow in the country. Health officials in Quebec have confirmed about 56,000 COVID-19 cases and more than 5,500 deaths since March – more than 60 percent of all deaths in Canada – most of them in long-term care centers known as CHSLD. .

These centers have been the subject of surveillance in recent months following a report by the Canadian Armed Forces that revealed that there was a critical need for improved staff with medical training. Although Quebec’s Prime Minister François Legault had initially demanded that 1,000 CAF members stay in care homes until September, more than 1,000 have recently completed their humanitarian mission.

On Tuesday, Legault expressed disappointment with the news, although hundreds of Red Cross workers are expected to begin work on homes this month.

At the same time, thousands of fast-paced recruits like And Paganon were completing a final day of training, a nine-month course condensed in three weeks. The training included the proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and practice in mannequins for physical work such as moving a patient from bed to wheelchair.

We were trying to give them as much realistic an approach to the program as possible so that they would not be caught in any way in defense, clinical instructor John Millar told CTV News Montreal. We focused a lot on PPE. We focused a lot on isolation protocols.

For some of the new orders, like former truck driver Dev Rishi, the number of emotions is the scariest prospect. Taking care of his elders is something the 23-year-old says he learned at a young age in his culture.

Our parents took care of us, he said. Now is the time to return to them.

Rishi said he expects the last care of life to be the most difficult.

We would spend time with our residents. They would build a relationship for five years, 10 years, he said. When they leave it will be really challenging for me.

With a report from CTV News Angela MacKenzie of Montreal

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