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Cabinet approves formation of Sugar Reform Committee – Pakistan


ISLAMABAD: The federal cabinet approved the formation of a high-level sugar reform committee on Tuesday to develop a long-term strategy for reforming the sugar sector in light of recommendations from a commission of inquiry.

The committee was proposed by the federal Minister of Industries Hammad Azhar.

The cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Imran Khan, feared a further spike in coronavirus cases in the country if the population did not follow preventive measures during Eidul Azha’s vacation.

The meeting also discussed in detail the issue of the alleged bogus pilot credentials of Pakistan International Airlines (PIA). He was informed that 450 pilots of the national standard-bearer had been authorized and 37 suspended for suspicion of powers.

The cabinet held a detailed discussion on the sugar sector and discussed how to make reforms, said Information Minister Shibli Faraz at a press conference after the cabinet meeting.

High-level committee to develop long-term strategy to reform sugar sector

The recent forensic audit report of the sugar commission of inquiry noted the absence of basic regulations and called for an improvement in the regulatory system. State regulatory institutions, the State Bank of Pakistan, the National Accountability Bureau and the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) are expected to step up their regulations, he added.

He also recommended that the assistant commissioners and deputy commissioners ensure that farmers are paid in full and that technology is used for accounting and that a mechanism is developed to recover the amount looted.

Meanwhile, a source said the Prime Minister said at the cabinet meeting that no one involved in the recent sugar scam would be spared and that overall responsibility would be secured.

Some senior Pakistani Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) leaders, including Jahangir Khan Tareen, are believed to be involved in the sugar scandal.

The sugar commission was set up by the government in the first week of April following the publication of two separate FIA ​​investigation reports into the issue of the artificial shortage of sugar and wheat in the country and the sudden increase in their prices last year.

After the reports were released, the opposition demanded that the Prime Minister take tough action against those who had been found responsible for the crisis by the FIA ​​committee.

PIA crisis

According to the source, the cabinet was informed that 28 pilots of the PIA had been dismissed and 37 were suspended on suspicion of suspected identification.

The meeting was informed that 450 PIA pilots have been authorized.

Similarly, out of 104 pilots of other airlines, 100 have been authorized and the case of four others is pending.

Five civil aviation authority (CAA) officials have also been suspended and the government has now decided to initiate criminal proceedings against those who hold false and suspicious degrees.

Posted in Dawn, July 8, 2020

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