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I dropped 12 dress sizes and 56 kg without being hungry


Danielle shares the diet and exercise that ultimately helped her drop all the weight she had been struggling to lose for years – and she managed to keep it all.

Danielle Pope was overweight all her life.

Since high school, she has spent hundreds of dollars on countless weight loss programs – and although they have met with little success, the results have never been long-term.

The 31-year-old woman finally gave up trying to shift her pounds and turned to food as an emotional coping mechanism.

“I used food as an outlet for anything that was not healthy,” said the registered nurse at Body + Soul.

She found herself regularly “on the couch eating a block of chocolate and nuggets” while complaining to her fiance how unhappy she was with her weight.

Weighing 139 kg and wearing size 26 clothes, Danielle knew she had to take action.

A year after making strict diet changes and incorporating exercise into her daily routine, she has lost 56 kg and now easily adapts to size 14 clothing.

Here’s how she did it…

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Danielle’s diet

Before weight loss, Danielle’s diet was the definition of “unhealthy”.

She would have “a meal rich in carbohydrates for dinner, followed by unhealthy snacks”.

“Chocolate, potato chips, cakes and fatty take-out” were also consumed daily, as well as “all cooked meals high in fat, carbohydrates and sugar”.

“I didn’t eat breakfast often, and then at lunchtime I was starving, so I was eating more than I should have.”

To start her weight loss, she replaced her three meals with Optislim Platinum Chocolate shakes.

Here’s what a typical day on a plate looks like:

Breakfast: Optislim shake

Lunch: Another shake

Afternoon tea: Apple

Having dinner: Either a salad without caloric vegetables and low-fat dressing, or boiled broccoli and cauliflower with a mixture.

Dessert: Natural Greek yogurt rich in proteins and hot chocolate without sugar.

“I was skeptical about my hunger all the time, but I was quite surprised how full I felt,” she says. “I was neither hungry nor hungry.”

“I think the main thing for me was the change of mentality and not being too hard on myself. I ate a lot of time without being really hungry, so changing my mindset was huge. “

Danielle’s exercise routine

Before her transformation, Danielle “avoided exercise as much as possible” because she was ashamed of her weight.

“I tried to go to the gym five years ago and I felt so embarrassed that I stopped going.”

It wasn’t until she started to see the weight slowly come off that she was motivated to join a non-judgmental and supportive gym.

“I go to the gym four to five times a week, sometimes a little less if I have a busy week, but I will always try to walk if I don’t go to the gym,” she adds. “On Sunday, I’m going for a walk with girlfriends, which is a good way to catch up regularly and to sweat well.”

Danielle on the biggest lesson she learned

“The biggest challenge for me has been trying not to be too hard on myself, it’s hard to be happy when you’re not exactly where you want to be.” Everything takes time and life goes on.

“I have now learned that it is okay to go out and have fun from time to time, that does not mean that I have failed. I learned to be able to do it in moderation, that’s the key and that’s what I missed before. “

Danielle’s weight loss journey was not an easy one. She suffered an arm injury, which caused her to stop weight training and boxing, and then the coronavirus lockout forced her to cope with home workouts.

But through the troughs, she managed to stay positive. “I just think back to my progress and there is no way to want to go back.”

His next goal is to lose another 18 kg. We encourage you on Danielle!

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