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Play pickleball in Greenville, SC


Have you ever heard of it pickleball? If you haven’t done it, it’s kind of a big dill. According to Greenville County’s Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department, pickleball is the Upstates fastest growing sport. For those of you unfamiliar with it, pickleball shares agreements with tennis, table tennis + badminton (as well as other paddleball sports).

Why the funny name? you may ask. The game was on invented in 1965 by three fathers at Seattle, WA. Despite its recent appearance on the scene, there are some uncertainty about how it got its name. One of the three inventors, Joel Pritchard, had called a dog Pickles who chased the ball and walked away with it when they played Hence the name. Another story states that it was named after a crew term: pickle boat, in which rowers are chosen from leftovers from other boats which fit because the game combined many elements of other sports.

However it got its name, it has officially regulations, regulations, and even an own organization the USA Pickleball Association. Heres the low point at stake so you don’t find yourself in a pickle:

  • It can be played inside or outside.
  • The court is badminton format (20 x 44) with an adapted tennis net.
  • The pickle itself is made of plastic + has holes, like a wiffleball. The paddling is slightly smaller than one tennis racket.
  • It can be played as doubles or singles so two to four people.

We can explain it all the rules for you, but instead let this super helpful video do it for us.

Pickleball is one fast growing sport, partly because it is relatively easy to pick up (especially if you have played other paddle sports). In 2016 1.57 million adults said they were casual players. By 2017 more than 3.1 million people played the game. In 2018 there were 6,885 places to play pickleball in the United States

There are certainly a few Greenville players under those numbers. Upstate Pickleball is a great resource to see if you are interested in getting started on the job. Founded in 2007, the organization has approximately 400 pickles in the group today. They have places to play, clinics + private lessons, and many other sources that you can use. And normally they also have one Current playing calendar, but, for now, they encourage local pickleball enthusiasts to play in small groups at locations + times of your choice.

And if you get the hang of it in the coming months, you can sign up for Upstate Pickleballs 2020 Greenville Smash. This round robin tournament was postponed from spring to October 9 and 10. Registration starts next Monday, July 13 + ends Friday, 25th of September. You can learn more here.


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