[COVID-19 Update] Scientists warn of possible surge of coronavirus-related brain damage
Journal with new research published on Wednesday, July 8 brain, Scientists described 43 cases of patients COVID-19 and brain disorders.. Researchers warn of a likely wave of brain damage associated with coronavirus that can lead to severe neurological complexity.
Some brain complications observed among patients were inflammation, psychosis, and delirium. In addition, some people have brain dysfunction and neuropathy.
According to Michael Zandy, one of the authors of a study at the University of London’s University College of Neurology, it’s still unclear whether what they see could lead to another outbreak caused by the outbreak of the coronavirus.
They have it Encephalitis lethargy development Continued from 1920s to 1930s 1918 influenza pandemic..
In a study led by UCL researchers, nine patients with brain-inflamed coronavirus were diagnosed with a rare condition later called Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (Adam).
of National Institute of Neurology and Stroke This condition has been described as a sudden, widespread inflammatory attack in the brain and spinal cord. Also damage Myelin, This is the protective coating of nerve fibers. Illnesses caused by viral infections are usually found in children.
Future Concerns About Brain Injury From COVID-19
Coronaviruses have been primarily considered as a respiratory disease that primarily affects the lungs. However, months before the pandemic, doctors and health professionals have seen a variety of symptoms associated with different body systems.
BBC Over 300 studies from different parts of the world report finding prevalence of neurological abnormalities in COVID-19 patients. Some of the milder symptoms observed were headaches, loss of odor, and tingling sensations. On the other hand, the more serious consequences seen in patients include aphasia or speech inability, stroke, and seizures.
In addition, neuroscientists and neurologists say the disease provides evidence of brain effects.
Adrian Owen, a neuroscientist at Western Canada University, Reuters Because millions of people are infected with COVID-19, I’m worried that cognitive impairment from an infection may affect their ability to get back to work and do their activities.
The researchers said they would see an adult patient with ADEM, usually one per month, at a specialist clinic in London. However, as the number of cases has increased, this has recently changed, with at least one case appearing in one study per week. According to the author, the outbreak was a “concerned increase”.
![Coronavirus brain injury Coronavirus brain injury](
(Photo: Photo of Reuters Connect)
The human brain is part of a collection of over 3,000 brains that may provide insights into mental illness and can be found at the Duffel Mental Hospital
Is long-term brain damage from COVID-19 possible?
According to co-author of this study, Ross Paterson, the long-term damage of COVID-19 is still unknown, as it has only been a few months old. He adds that prompt diagnosis and intervention can improve patient outcomes, so doctors need to be aware of the possible neurological effects of the disease.
Owen said the growing body of evidence highlighted the need for much larger and more detailed research and global data collection. Gathering the necessary information will help experts assess how common psychological and neurological complications worldwide were, he said.
In addition, Owen International Research Project Here, patients can sign up to perform a series of cognitive tests to determine changes in brain function since obtaining COVID-19. He says the disease is affecting a huge population, which is why it’s important to gather information quickly.
Also read: Nearly half of ICU COVID-19 patients show brain abnormalities, revealing MRI scans
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