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Malnutrition in poor countries costs businesses up to $85 billion


Pandemics are increasing the number of people at risk of acute hunger

Pandemics are increasing the number of people at risk of acute hunger

Hunger, malnutrition and obesity not only pose a health burden to developing countries, but also the hidden economic disadvantage of costing businesses up to $85 billion a year, according to a new report released Wednesday. Bring

Researchers said It reduces the resilience of the population to risks such as infectious diseases and extreme climate change, resulting in lower productivity and lower profits.

As the coronavirus pandemic was expected to drive millions of people into starvation and poverty, they also demanded that governments and businesses focus on nutrition as part of their recovery efforts.

“Although the costs of malnutrition and overweight/obesity to society and government are well-studied, the costs and risks to businesses created by malnutrition in the workforce and wider communities remain unmonitored. “And a fellow of Principal Investigator Laura Wellesley Chatham House.

“We show that costs and risks are high and action is in the interest of the company.”

This report, edited with the Vivid Economics group, defined malnutrition as both malnutrition and overnutrition.

In developing countries with a high prevalence of malnutrition, researchers estimate the direct costs of lost productivity to total $130-850 billion annually.

This represents 0.4% to 2.9% of gross domestic product in these countries.

The report estimated results from less than 19 modeling In Asia, Africa, Central America and Europe.

According to the 2020 Global Nutrition Report, about 1 in 9 people in the world are hungry or undernourished, and 1 in 3 are overweight or obese. Almost a quarter of children under the age of five are stunted.


Graph showing how the proportion of underweight people declined while the proportion of obesity increased.

Poverty warning

Problems once present at both ends of the wealth spectrum are increasingly converged in the poor and middle-income countries as the population, households, and even individuals face the “double burden” of overweight and undernourishment doing.

“Obesity and malnutrition are the result of both And to reduce the burden of malnutrition on businesses and society, both need to be addressed.”

She called for efforts to reduce both problems, such as paying fair living wages and grants. Provide staff with breastfeeding support and education on healthy eating for their staff.

The report emphasized that actions to address malnutrition are in the best interest of companies.

Directly Wellesley said companies include reduced productivity associated with poor staff health and limited physical and cognitive abilities of workers.

It also locks in households in the sense of poverty, spends less money as consumers, and impedes the development of a healthy workforce.

The report was written by former UN ambassador Philip Alston Human rights, blame It contributed to the misleading story that world poverty was being eradicated and that it was actually rising.

He warned that a pandemic would push hundreds of millions into unemployment and poverty while increasing more than 250 million at risk of acute hunger.

“Even before COVID-19, we misplaced ten years in the fight against poverty and misplaced victorianism that prevented the reforms themselves that could prevent the worst effects of the epidemic,” he said. Said.

Alston has criticized the World Bank’s international use The line-currently $1.90-is said to give a seemingly positive image as a “defect”.

Global nutrition crisis threatens human development, major new report found

© 2020 AFP

Quote: Malnutrition in Poor Countries Costs Up to $85 Billion for Companies: Survey (8 July 2020), 8 July 2020 Retrieved from malnutrition-poorer-nations-firms-bln.html

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