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What is an aftershock? Learn about smaller earthquakes affecting Northern California.

What is an aftershock?  Learn about smaller earthquakes affecting Northern California.
What is an aftershock?  Learn about smaller earthquakes affecting Northern California.


Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain

Northern California residents woke up early Tuesday to a 6.4-magnitude earthquake that has killed at least two people, destroyed infrastructure and cut off power to tens of thousands.

“The most likely scenario is that many small earthquakes follow,” the USGS wrote on Twitter on Tuesday. There is a more than 99% chance of aftershocks of magnitude 3 and above within the next week, according to the USGS forecast, but there is only a 13% chance of aftershocks of magnitude 5 and above.

We answer your questions about earthquake behaviour, including tips on how to stay safe.

What is an aftershock?

Aftershocks are small earthquakes that occur in the days, months, or years in the general area after an earthquake. Aftershocks are subtle modifications that occur near faults, or areas where stress occurs during an earthquake.

Aftershocks can occur in the thousands and can be devastating or fatal. In earthquakes, the “main shock” is the largest activity felt during an earthquake.

Seismologists primarily use Bath’s law, Gutenberg-Richter’s law, and Omori’s law to describe the behavior of aftershocks.

Bath’s Law states that aftershocks will typically be about 1.2 units less than the main shock, and the Gutenberg-Richter measurement system says that every time earthquakes decrease by 1 unit, we should expect to see 10 times as many aftershocks. of aftershocks will decrease over time, according to the Seismology Laboratory of the University of California, Berkeley.

Aftershocks should not be confused with swarms, which are series of small earthquakes associated with geothermal activity with no identifiable main shock.

What are the harbingers?

Tremors come before large earthquakes in the same location. Sometimes, the frontal shock may be incorrectly identified as the main shock until a larger shock occurs after it.

Aftershocks or aftershocks cannot be greater than the main shock.

Why does the earth shake when an earthquake occurs?

Earthquakes are caused by slipping on a fault, which is a fault area between two blocks of rock. Tectonic plates move, but their edges remain in place until this slip, when pressure overcomes the friction that usually holds them there. This causes the rest of the mass to move and causes waves of energy to travel through the Earth’s crust. These seismic waves shake the Earth as they move through it.

What do you do during an earthquake:

It is important to stay alert during an earthquake, especially when it comes to aftershocks that can cause damage after the main shock. Here are tips from the California Geological Survey to keep in mind:

During an earthquake:

Indoors: Stay indoors and away from exterior walls, glass, heavy furniture, fireplaces, and appliances. Avoid elevators, windows and doorways. Anything can fall, such as bridges or tunnels. Mountains: Watch out for potential landslides and reach higher ground. Crowded place: avoid panic and rush, stay low and cover your head and neck with your arms.

After the earthquake:

Listen to the radio for instructions, especially about aftershocks Check for fire and fire hazards Avoid driving to keep streets clear of emergency vehicles Check for damage to your home and buildings about to fall Share your location with family and friends

(c) 2022 USA Today Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

Citation: What is an aftershock? Learn about smaller earthquakes affecting Northern California. (2022, December 21) Retrieved December 22, 2022 from Northern.html

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