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Health groups demand better access to HIV drugs in COVID-19 crisis-National


The COVID-19 pandemic is currently threatening access to HIV/AIDS treatment as countries, including Indonesia, focus on controlling highly infectious respiratory diseases.

The World Health Organization (WHO) quotes its recent survey as They were now at risk of running out of life-saving AIDS drugs COVID-19 Due to supply disruption caused by the crisis. Studies show that suppliers were unable to deliver antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) on time, and that land and air transportation services were disrupted and that access to domestic health services was limited as a result of a pandemic. ,confusion.

“Twenty-four countries reported either very low stocks of ARVs or discontinued supplies of these life-saving drugs,” WHO said in a press release.

Before running out, the 2019 WHO estimates found that about 8.3 million people in 24 countries depended on ARVs. Not only is this critical to maintaining and improving the quality of life of people with HIV, it also helps prevent the spread of the infection. Of infection to others.

A recent survey prior to the AIDS Global Forum found that 73 countries warned that they were at risk of missing ARVs as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We are deeply concerned about the results of this survey,” said WHO Executive Director Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesus. “The country and its development partners must do everything possible to ensure that people in need of HIV treatment continue to have access to HIV treatment. With the pandemic of COVID-19, the world We cannot cancel profits that could not be obtained through a positive response.”

The WHO is currently encouraging countries to limit the disruption of access to HIV treatment, called multi-month dispensing. This is a policy that allows medications to be prescribed for longer periods (up to 6 months).

Also read: Activists Call on Government to Solve HIV Drug Deficiency in COVID-19 Pandemic

It is unclear whether Indonesia is included in the 24 most recent WHO list, but preliminary results, compiled from the April-June WHO survey and published on its website, indicate that Indonesia was caused by COVID-19. Said to be one of the countries that reported the turmoil in ARV.

People living with HIV have long struggled to access ARV treatments.

In March, the HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) Indonesia office and a non-profit organization, the Positive Indonesia Network (JIP), conducted a survey of 1,000 HIV-infected people nationwide in March, and 47.6% of the respondents , Will last a month.

Indonesia’s AIDS Union Executive Director Aditya Wardana said the coronavirus crisis has actually disrupted the procurement of ARV drugs in Indonesia and relies heavily on imports of drugs from other countries. ..

The pandemic has exposed vulnerabilities in access to ARV treatments across the country, he said.

In some healthcare facilities, especially hospitals, HIV patients usually take medications, which reduces service times for patients other than COVID-19. On the other hand, many people living with HIV are reluctant to go to these facilities because they may be infected by the coronavirus. Aditya.

Also read: Coronavirus blockade increases HIV risk for women and girls

“The government needs to prepare a clear blueprint for self-sufficiency in the procurement of ARV drugs as well as the Ministry of Health. ARV is a long-term life-saving drug and will continue to rely on imports from other countries I can not do it. Jakarta Post on Tuesday.

He also stated in the blueprint when Indonesia would phase out the import of ARVs, when it would only import active pharmaceutical ingredients for domestic production, and finally when it would be possible to manufacture pharmaceuticals domestically from scratch. Said that a clear deadline should be included.

According to a 2018 government survey, about 640,000 people lived with HIV in Indonesia, only 124,813 of which, or 19.49%, received significant ARV treatment.

So far, Indonesia’s ARV coverage is among the lowest in the Asia-Pacific region.

A recent global report by UNAIDS shows that the risk of a COVID-19 pandemic blowing out HIV goes off course. It turns out that missed goals have resulted in more than 3.5 million HIV infections and more than 820,000 AIDS-related deaths since 2015, more than if the world were on track to reach the 2020 goals. It was.

UNAIDS urges countries to increase investment in both COVID-19 and HIV response after discovering that HIV/AIDS funding is declining globally. HIV funding in 2019 fell 7% from 2017 to US$8.6 billion.

“We cannot put a poor country behind the queue. UNAIDS Executive Director Winnie Byanyima relies on money and skin color in her pockets to protect herself from these deadly viruses. It shouldn’t be: “You can’t spend money from one illness to another, and you have to make a full stake in both HIV and COVID-19 to avoid massive loss of life. .”


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