Mosquito spraying begins in part of Coachella Valley
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Due to the continued detection of potentially mosquito-infecting viruses in the Coachella Valley, vector managers began Thursday morning with a further application of pesticide sprays through the weekend.
According to the Coachella Valley Mosquito, the subjects were caught in the Desert Desert and Indian Wells from 2am to 6am Saturday, capturing West Nile-infected mosquitoes and mosquitoes from previous traps of St. Louis encephalitis. Region. And vector management district. ->
At Palm Desert, crews typically focus on residential areas near Highway 74 and Haystack Road. La Quinta’s work will take place in the residential area southwest of Port La Avenue and Fairway Drive.
According to the district spokeswoman Tammy Gordon, the technicians in the district spray an insecticide called DeltaGard to quickly kill adult mosquitoes, but “it biodegrades quickly in the sun.” ..
“This application is done in very small volumes, which minimizes the risk to people and pets,” she said. “However, as a best practice to reduce exposure, you can choose to stay indoors during and for 30 minutes after application.”
Twenty-one West Nile virus-positive mosquitoes have been found by this year in urban traps in Palm Desert, Cathedral City, and Indian Wells, vector control officials say.
So far, no human cases of the virus have been reported in the Coachella Valley to infect humans or animals after being bitten by an infected mosquito. However, the first case of Southern California in 2020 was reported in Long Beach on Tuesday. This is the second human case of the virus reported in the state this year, first in Stanislaus County.
Eight West Nile cases in Coachella Valley in 2019 were the most common cases in the region since the virus was first detected in 2003, according to district officials.
In 2015, Riverside County recorded 138 WNV infections and 6 deaths.
One in five people infected with the virus has no cure and presents with symptoms such as fever, headache, body aches, nausea and skin rash. Symptoms may last for days to months.
One in every 150 infected with the virus requires hospitalization. Severe symptoms include high fever, weakness, stiff neck, coma, paralysis and possibly death.
The people at greatest risk are the elderly and individuals with compromised immune systems.
About 40 mosquitoes infected with St. Louis encephalitis-a viral illness that spreads to humans and initially causes flu-like symptoms and is rarely fatal-is found primarily in traps in the eastern Coachella Valley. No human cases have been reported so far.
The mosquito season in Southern California is generally from May to October.
For more information on spraying the area, Activity-0.
Mosquito spraying begins in part of Coachella Valley Last modified date: July 9, 2020 Along
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