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RSV cases are declining. COVID-19, flu still a concern

RSV cases are declining. COVID-19, flu still a concern
RSV cases are declining. COVID-19, flu still a concern


LIMA — After months of being plagued by the so-called “triple epidemic” of respiratory syncytial virus, COVID-19 and influenza, hospitals in some areas are finally experiencing relief.

Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that cases of respiratory syncytial virus and other viruses spiked from the beginning of the fall season through mid-December before a downward trend in cases began. and continue to see large numbers of patients with COVID-19, but cases of RSV have dropped dramatically.

Hospitalizations for RSV have fallen by two-thirds since November, according to the CDC. Hospitalizations for the flu and his COVID-19 are on the decline, according to the Ohio Department of Health.

previous season

Matthew Owens, Ph.D., Chief Clinical Officer, Mercy Health-St. Rita’s Medical Center in Lima said the respiratory syncytial virus and flu season is earlier than in years past and COVID-19 continues to make its way through the community.

At Centrita Hospital, Owens said he had a “baseline” of weekly COVID-19 patient visits that hadn’t changed significantly over the past few months. He said the virus does not appear to be seasonal in nature, like influenza and respiratory syncytial virus.

Allen County Public Health Director Brandon Fisher said RSV was difficult to track, but children’s hospitals statewide reported an increase in hospitalizations for RSV in early December. Fischer said the virus remained a concern, even though the numbers were down.

Virus symptoms can be more severe, including fever, runny nose, loss of appetite, coughing, sneezing, and wheezing, Fisher said. is diffused by particles in the air.

Susan Kaufman, M.D., family physician, incoming vice president and chief medical officer at Lima Memorial Health Systems, said hospitals have seen similar declines in RSV, but flu and COVID-19 have kept them busy for some time. . Patience. She said RSV is still a concern, even though it is declining.

Kaufman believes that quarantines due to the pandemic have prevented many from developing immunity to RSV, and that changing strains of influenza and COVID-19 have made many more susceptible to the disease than in years past. ing.

Sherry Recker, director of nursing at the Putnam County Health Department, said the county saw an increase in flu and COVID-19 cases in December and January, but relied on hospitals to track RSV. Recker said flu is easier for him to track than COVID-19. This is because many people are using home testing for coronavirus and may not report positive results to health departments.

Auglaize County Health Commissioner Oliver Fisher said the county has seen many respiratory illnesses, and community members are using measures learned from the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure all respiratory We recommend that you protect yourself from viruses.

by CDC Influenza can cause fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, headache, muscle or body aches, fatigue and vomiting or diarrhea. S.ymptoms of COVID-19 These include fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle and body aches, headache, loss of taste and smell, sore throat, nasal congestion and runny nose, nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea.


Owens said he noticed a decline in RSV cases at St. Rita’s church, while flu and COVID-19 cases increased after the holidays. He said this was not unexpected as many were in close contact with his friends and family.

Owens said he believes RSV cases have dropped dramatically because many children have already had RSV and have developed immunity. Anyone can get the virus, but young children, people with weakened immune systems, and the elderly are most affected.

Kaufman said most of the population susceptible to RSV was likely previously infected during the surge.

“People who have been infected in the past are more resistant, because those who have been infected have some immunity,” Kaufman says. “Your body can fight it off a little bit.”

RSV can spread rapidly through the air, Kaufman said, with people usually contagious for three to eight days, but it can be contagious for up to four weeks in some cases. This makes it a difficult decision as to how long children should stay home from school.

Fischer said it may be difficult to ensure children are practicing hand hygiene and other measures to prevent respiratory illness, but these measures are important in reducing the spread. frequently touched surfaces should be disinfected regularly, and children should be taught to wash their hands frequently and to cover their nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing.

At the Lima Memorial, Kaufman said medical personnel frequently test patients with respiratory symptoms for RSV, COVID-19, and influenza because many of the symptoms overlap.

Immunization reminder

November 4th, CDC issues health advisories In early fall 2022 and winter 2023, we will respond to an increase in respiratory viruses, especially among children. It recommended “immediate vaccination” against influenza and COVID-19 to all eligible people who had not received these vaccines.

To help prevent COVID-19 transmission, Ohio Department of Health Director Dr. Bruce Vanderhoff and Ohio Department of Aging Director Ursel McElroy on Wednesday urged Ohioans to receive the latest COVID-19 booster shots.

In a media release, Vanderhoff said people over the age of 65 and those with compromised immune systems are at higher risk of serious illness and death if they do not have the latest vaccinations.

illness and children

Fischer said when people get sick with a respiratory virus, they should treat symptoms with over-the-counter medications and stay hydrated to avoid the need for hospitalization. If you have any concerns, you should contact your healthcare provider.

“(RSV) is a disease of the young,” said Fischer. “It’s usually something most kids have by the time they’re two.”

Kaufman said parents of children with respiratory illness should ensure that they seek medical attention early to ensure that their child is well nourished. said.

Schools in Mercer, Hardin, and Van Wert counties show similar trends to local hospitals.

Both Celina Primary School and Ada Elementary saw an increase in sickness absences before winter break and a decrease after students returned Wednesday. A similar trend was observed at Van Wert Primary School, with fewer children returning home with respiratory and stomach symptoms than before the winter break.

Owens said the ebb and flow of respiratory viruses is normal, especially for the flu. He said the season could end early because the flu and respiratory syncytial virus started earlier than usual, but this is not guaranteed.

Kaufman said measures similar to those for COVID-19 should be taken to prevent the spread of all respiratory viruses, and if one chooses to wear a mask, an N95 is the best option. rice field. Respiratory virus particles can pass through surgical masks.

“Stay away from people when you’re sick,” Kaufman said. “If you don’t know what it is, don’t guess and take it to grandma. Grandma will do really bad things.”




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