How to Control High Cholesterol, According to Patients
T.There are various factors that influence here cardiovascular risk— but cholesterol is one of the first things doctors pay attention to.
Having high levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol is “definitely a variable we’re trying to manage because it’s been shown to be detrimental to heart health,” says NYU Langone Health. cardiologist Adriana Quinones-Camacho, Ph.D.
LDL cholesterol is often referred to as the “bad” kind of cholesterol, but it makes up most of the body’s cholesterol stores. That means it’s not a villain per se, but when levels start to rise, excess LDL can contribute to plaque formation in your arteries. It increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that approximately 93 million American adults have elevated cholesterol levels, representing approximately 36% of the adult US population.
high cholesterol Depending on factors such as age and family history, it may be treated with drugs such as statins, but lifestyle changes tend to be the first treatment, says Quinones-Camacho. This is especially true if you are younger and have fewer risk factors overall.
Taking steps to keep cholesterol down is important not only for heart function, but also for overall health. share a strategy for
choose fats wisely
Perhaps due to genetic factors, 32-year-old Brian Jones of Edmonton, Canada, has consistently high cholesterol levels, and it turns out he can control his numbers by monitoring his fat intake.
It does not mean to cut out all kinds. obesityHowever, research shows that this macronutrient regulates appetite, makes you feel full, absorbs certain types of vitamins, and stores energy in your body.
“Eating a lot of foods high in saturated and trans fats can increase the chances of high cholesterol, so I don’t eat a lot of them,” says Jones. , includes fried foods and fatty meats.Instead, he focuses on foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, such as walnuts, salmon, flaxseed and mackerel. olive oil or avocado oil.
The benefits of omega-3s for cardiovascular disease have been extensively researched and published in journals. nutrients Part of the effect was found to be due to improved cholesterol levels.
“It’s important to make choices like this,” says Jones. “These may seem small, but they lead to healthier eating decisions every day, which can be very helpful in managing high cholesterol.”
read more: What you need to know about high cholesterol in children
Focus on reducing sugar and increasing fiber
If you have high cholesterol, it’s a good idea to eat more fiber as well as choose healthy fats. That often means opting for more fruits, vegetables and whole grains, which has been helpful for his 32-year-old Mark Joseph of Missouri. When he was first diagnosed with high cholesterol a few years ago, he knew it was time to change his lifestyle.
Joseph significantly reduced his intake of fried foods, alcohol and sugar, all of which have been shown to negatively impact heart health. For example, a Boston University study found that drinking just 12 ounces of sugar-sweetened beverages each day raised LDL cholesterol levels.Another study published in progression of cardiovascular diseaseNote that consuming added sugars like high fructose corn syrup increases the risk of high cholesterol and coronary heart disease.
Joseph now tracks his daily fiber intake and focuses on getting enough from food sources rather than supplements. That’s because I’ve discovered a variety of delicious options, including fruits, steamed vegetables and lean protein like chicken for lunch, and whole grains like quinoa for dinner. The more healthy choices Joseph adds, the less he misses his former favorites. “Another benefit of eating more fiber is that it makes me feel fuller, so I don’t crave snacks as much,” he says. It is.”
One of the reasons fiber is so beneficial is that it reduces the absorption of cholesterol into the bloodstream. Just 5-10 grams a day (not much, considering that a serving of oatmeal has 4 grams of fiber) can lead to significant improvements in people with high cholesterol. I have.
If you’ve always had a sweet tooth, consider indulging in fiber-rich fruits. It’s a tactic that his 52-year-old San Francisco resident Lucia Chan has used to curb his own dessert cravings. Specifically, she’s embraced eating all kinds of berries, not just bananas, and her total cholesterol levels have dropped by 17% over the past year.
“I’m thrilled with how easy this is and the big difference small changes like this make,” she says. “Now a bowl of berries is a precious delicacy and I don’t feel deprived.”
make time to exercise
When 27-year-old Jesse Feder of Florida was diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia seven years ago, he wasn’t surprised because he has it in his family. But he didn’t anticipate how consistently working out would help improve his numbers.
“I tried changing my diet, like avoiding shrimp and eggs, which are high in cholesterol, but it didn’t help,” he says. “In fact, the numbers were exactly the same when I was eating regularly. What did work was exercising several times a week.”
Research supports that result. sports medicine resistance training and aerobic exercise, can have a beneficial effect on cholesterol. The results were so significant that the researchers suggested that clinicians encourage as much physical activity as possible in people with other heart health risks, such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
For Feder, the benefits of fitness weren’t just personal. They also influenced his career choice. He saw so many benefits when he started working out, including improved mood, improved body composition, and consistent energy, that he made Strength and Conditioning his coach. “Exercise has helped me maintain my borderline high cholesterol levels without medication,” he says.
He focuses on structured exercise sessions several times a week, but that doesn’t mean everyone has to follow the same routine to reap the benefits. Ava Collins started with just 10 minutes of vigorous activity as a way to manage high cholesterol. Sometimes she meant a walk after dinner. She also spends her time gardening. She gradually increased the intensity and duration of her exercise and now logs about 2-3 hours of exercise per week.
According to Collins, one of the keys to fitness success is finding the workouts you enjoy the most. “If you can find a workout buddy, that’s even better because it helps you stay on track and has a social element,” she adds. Whether it’s a gentle move or a more intense dance workout, I enjoy the stress relief associated with exercise.
“Stress can spike cholesterol,” she says. medicine They found that mental stress increases the risk of high cholesterol, but physical activity may reduce that risk.
read more: how to lower cholesterol naturally
quit smoking
At just 28, Texas-based Matt Kerr was shocked to learn that he had high cholesterol and, more surprisingly, a blocked artery.At that time, he realized that his daily life was smoking habitwhich he started as a teenager, may have been a contributing factor.
Kerr knew that addiction was bad for his lungs, but the extent of its potential heart effects was new to him, and that if he didn’t give up cigarettes, his medication might not work as expected. I noticed
“We’ve learned that smoking damages blood vessels, accelerates arteriosclerosis, and greatly increases the risk of heart disease,” he says. “These effects take decades to develop. ”
Smoking makes LDL cholesterol more sticky, making it more likely to stick to artery walls and cause problems. According to the American Heart Association, the combination of smoking and high cholesterol dramatically increases your risk of heart attack.
Research published in american heart journal Cholesterol levels were found to improve even when participants gained weight from smoking cessation. Most notably, they had more HDL cholesterol, or the “good” kind of high-density lipoprotein, which helped keep overall total cholesterol in balance.
take medicine as directed
Lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise are powerful and can sometimes delay the need for medication, but that doesn’t mean you should avoid cholesterol-lowering drugs if recommended by your health care team. There are a variety of drug options available today, and having a conversation with your doctor can help you identify which one is right for you, says Quinones-Camacho. , there are multiple options, so if one doesn’t work, there’s often another drug that works better,” she adds.
You may be able to reduce the dosage you need by making lifestyle changes. For example, Joseph was previously on high-dose statins, but was able to switch to low-dose statins after making significant changes to his diet and adopting a consistent training routine. His doctor also prescribed niacin. This is a B vitamin that helps the body convert food into energy and was prescribed as a way to raise HDL cholesterol.
Some supplements may help some people, but it is always important to consult your doctor before trying them, especially if you are taking medication for your condition. supplements interfere with certain medications.
Experts say this is generally a good approach. Appropriate exercise levels, dietary choices, weight gain and loss, and even mental health issues associated with managing chronic illnesses should all be part of the conversation with your doctor.
“High cholesterol is seen as a risk overall, but the reality is that everyone is different and each approaches health differently,” says Quinones-Camacho. You can find the support you need.” •
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