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Exercise may be the source of youth •

Exercise may be the source of youth •
Exercise may be the source of youth •


Imagine being able to reverse the effects of aging simply by exercising. Journal of Physiologysuggesting that exercise may actually make muscle cells in laboratory mice more youthful and help ameliorate the adverse effects of aging in humans.

The aging process involves predictable and progressive cellular changes. Cells express different patterns of genes during their lifetime. These expression patterns (epigenetics) are unique to each stage of cell lifespan, from young to old, making it easy to determine cell age. Older cells are less able to regenerate, have shorter telomeres, and an increased number of dysfunctional mitochondria. Ultimately, these accumulation states lead to loss of cellular function and cell death.

However, it is possible to rejuvenate and “rejuvenate” aging cells. For example, a human egg may be over 30 years old before he is fertilized. At that point, they are reprogrammed to form large numbers of pluripotent cells that give rise to new individuals with “young” cells.

Scientists initially believed that many genetic factors were involved in this rewinding of time, but in 2006, a study by Dr. Kazutoshi Yamanaka and Dr. Shinya Yamanaka found that only four types of genetic factors were involved. It has been shown that cells can be used to reprogram cells in this way.named master gene Oct3/4, Klf4, Sox2 When c-Myc, often abbreviated as OCDThese four reprogramming factors are often called Yamanaka factors.

Four protein transcription factors can convert highly specialized cells (such as skin cells) back into stem cells in a younger, more adaptable state. Dr. Shinya Yamanaka was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2012 for this discovery. Subsequent studies showed that induction of Yamanaka factor systemically in rodents at appropriate doses ameliorated hallmarks of aging by resetting gene expression patterns so that cells mimic those of more youthful cells. showed what it can do.

It has long been established that exercise has beneficial effects on people in terms of increasing bone and muscle strength, improving mobility and endurance, and reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. But now it seems that exercise also helps rejuvenate the epigenetic nature of cells. Building muscle during exercise was guaranteed. I had a genetic age.

Based on these findings, the authors of the current study decided to compare the epigenetic (gene expression) profiles of skeletal muscle fibers in late-life exercise-allowed and overexpressed mice. OCD with their muscles, not only, but also in genetically modified mice that overexpress my C with their muscles. Of the four factors, my C It is caused by skeletal muscle movement.I think that the my C It may serve as a naturally-induced reprogramming stimulus for muscles and is useful for comparing cells reprogrammed by overexpression of Yamanaka factors with those reprogrammed by exercise. This ‘reprogramming’ reflects how environmental stimuli alter gene expression.

Using global gene expression analysis in muscle fibers from different groups of mice, the research team, six of which are affiliated with the University of Arkansas, discovered the factor. my C Muscle fibers were elevated after exercise training in aged mice. As such, the research team concluded that exercise indeed promotes a gene expression profile more typical of youthful cells.

While it’s nice to imagine that one day we’ll be able to manipulate levels, my C This wouldn’t be the right approach when using muscle to achieve the rejuvenating effects of exercise without hard work, said co-author of the study and director of the U of A’s Health, Human Performance and Recreation Division. Associate Professor Kevin Murach explained.

beginning, my C It is not possible to reproduce all of the beneficial downstream effects of exercise on the whole body. my C, can give rise to cancerous tumors in animals and can rewire cells so long ago that they lose their specific identity. Danger. Instead, Murach is thinking of manipulation. my C It may be best employed as an strategy to understand how to restore exercise adaptations to older muscles that exhibit reduced responsiveness.

Perhaps it could also be a means of supercharging the exercise response of astronauts in weightlessness, or people resting in beds with limited exercise capacity. my C With many effects, both good and bad, defining what is beneficial could lead to effective and safe treatments in humans in the future.

Murach sees their study as further validation of exercise as a polypill. “Exercise is the most powerful medicine we have,” he said. From this perspective, it should be viewed as a health-enhancing and potentially life-extending treatment, along with medication and a healthy diet.

To Alison Bosman, staff writer

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