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The health risks from climate change in Florida may surprise you.This affects millions

The health risks from climate change in Florida may surprise you.This affects millions


Some of the health impacts of climate change are clear, and are already evident in Florida, including increased heat stress and mosquito-borne tropical diseases. But it may come as a surprise that health experts say that as climate conditions intensify, so does the risk of illness and death for people with diabetes.

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, diabetes is prevalent in Florida at a staggering 1 in 10 inhabitants. Poor people and communities of color are most at risk, experts say.

At first glance, it may be difficult to recognize the link between climate change and diabetes, but they are being tracked in many studies.

Some are indirect. For her type 1 diabetic who is dependent on taking insulin, disrupting access to medicines and health foods (supply floods and power outages affecting his chain or blocking access to pharmacies and stores). etc.) can be life threatening.

A study published in the National Library of Medicine by Dr. Mikhail Zilvermint of Johns Hopkins Medicine Suburban Hospital documents how Hurricanes Katrina and Harvey caused shortages of medical supplies and food. Florida gets hit by a number of hurricanes, highlighted by Ian and Nicole’s double punches last season.

Second, the direct threat from rising temperatures will increase, potentially exacerbating myriad health problems for people with diabetes.

Dr. Cheryl Holder, Interim Executive Director of Florida Clinicians for Climate Action, said: “In many people with diabetes, high glucose already affects many of their metabolic functions.”

And Florida just keeps getting hotter. According to the county’s report on extreme heat, in Miami-Dade he has about 133 days over 90 degrees in a year. According to researchers, it could reach 187 days by 2050.

Miami is also one of the hottest cities in the United States, making diabetics prone to heat-related complications.

Heat is also a problem for other reasons. Overloading electrical systems can cause power outages, refrigeration failures, and damage to stored insulin.

Holder said one of her group’s biggest initiatives is to educate local clinicians about heat and its health effects as Miami’s heat season approaches in May. . Florida Clinicalians for Climate Action has identified 50 health centers in vulnerable communities to provide physicians with materials to protect patients from extreme heat.

Holder — a recently retired professor at Florida International University’s Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine and associate dean of diversity, equity, inclusion, and community initiatives — sees rising air pollution and both disease and new He also warned of other effects on diabetics from the psychological stress of coping. climate challenge.

The Diabetes Belt is the region of the United States, primarily counties in Southern states such as Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia, where people are more likely to have type 2 diabetes than elsewhere in the country, according to the CDC. , the Belt consists of 644 counties, including Calhoun, Gadsden, Holmes, Jackson, and Madison counties in North Florida.

Even outside of this belt, counties like Hardy and Baker have double the statewide diabetes rate of just over 12%.

People with different identities, such as black, poor, and elderly, are at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes and being affected by climate change. The two working together can be overwhelming for patients and can leave them in a “food swamp.” An area with few grocery stores and options, mostly consisting of fast food or stores without fresh, healthy food to help control illness.

Holder encourages diabetics to prepare as much as possible for climate emergencies by stocking up on nutritious canned and frozen vegetables.

“People who already have chronic conditions have to think more about their day-to-day lives, where they have to make sure their diet is right, and they have access to life-saving medications. They can’t skip treatment for eye disease, they can’t skip treatment for kidney problems,” Holder said.

“Then add all these additional stressors that we would have to deal with without all these chronic diseases. You’re looking at so much stress,” she said. , as resilient as you are, but still an added burden.”

This climate report is funded in part by private donors, Florida International University in partnership with the Knight Foundation. The Miami Herald retains editorial control of all content. This article was produced in partnership with the Florida Climate Reporting Network, a multi-newsroom initiative formed to cover the impacts of climate change in the state.




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