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Coronavirus: UK decision on EU vaccine scheme Covid-19 due


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The UK government will later confirm whether it will join the EU vaccination scheme, says number 10, among the reports it will give up.

A spokesman said the scheme “will have to work for the UK” and the decisions were taken “in the national interest”.

Comes after Telegraph reported Ministers opposed the possibility of joining the concerns that the United Kingdom would not receive the required number of vaccines in time.

The EU scheme aims to ensure the supply of potential coronavirus vaccines.

The EU Commission plans to enter into agreements with individual vaccine manufacturers on behalf of the bloc’s member states as part of multi-million pound program.

In exchange for the right to purchase a certain number of vaccine doses in a time frame and agreed price, the Commission will finance a portion of the principal costs of the vaccine manufacturer.

Reacting to reports in the UK will abandon the initiative, the Wellcome Trust said countries “urgently” need to work together “if we have any chance of offering equal global access to a Covid-19 vaccine.” .

  • How close are we to developing a vaccine?

The Telegraph reported that the government believed that the limits on the number of divided doses for member states could result in the UK not getting the vaccines it needed.

A source told the newspaper: “The conditions were simply not right for us. The EU scheme would not allow the UK to do anything more than it currently is.”

The paper reported that officials believed the signing of the scheme could delay the receipt of a vaccine in the UK for up to six months after distribution talks.

‘Critical’ approach

But Alex Harris, head of global policy at the Wellcome Trust, said: “Covering the EU vaccine initiative initiative on how many doses the participating countries are participating in is the best way to ensure that there is enough vaccine for those in need. the rest of the world.

“Submitting the vaccine as needed and not who can pay the highest price is not only a moral right, but also the fastest way to end this pandemic.

“We urge the UK government to follow the EU’s lead and only safe doses of vaccines for those most in need (health care workers over 65 and other vulnerable groups).”

He said the approach was “critical” to “six to nine months of early availability of vaccines”, as global production capacity was “unlikely to match demand”.

In the UK, human trials for a vaccine are underway in London and Oxford.

Worldwide, about 200 groups are working on vaccines and 18 are now being tested on humans in clinical trials.

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Reacting to reports that the UK would not join the EU scheme, the hopes of Lib Dem’s leadership, Layla Moran, on Twitter: “Walking away from the EU vaccination scheme is putting ideology ahead of public health “.

And Labor MP Bell Ribeiro-Addy posted on Twitter: “By refusing to join the EU vaccination scheme, the government is again setting the ideology before saving lives.”

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