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Eight high school hockey teams in Central Maine to raise money for breast cancer


The annual field hockey event Battle for Breast Cancer Benefit will not be able to take place in the usual way this year, but fundraising will still take place in July and culminate in a virtual event on the evening of Saturday, July 25, according to a press release from Jill Gray, director community relations and development at Franklin Memorial Hospital in Farmington.

The money raised will be used to support people with breast cancer with health care costs, as well as practical patient resources such as medical supplies, gas cards and childcare assistance that can impact patient care, said organizer Paula Doughty. When I spoke to my seniors about canceling this event, they strongly opposed that more women need help this year than ever before. So it will continue in a completely different format.

Now in its 10th year, more than $ 244,000 has been raised for the beneficiary since 2011, the Martha B. Webber Breast Care Center, a program of Franklin Memorial Hospital in Farmington. Diagnostic breast imaging, biopsies, lab services, surgical consultations, and postoperative clothing are just a few examples of how the money has been used.

Eight high school hockey teams in Central Maine: Skowhegan, Messalonskee, Mt. Blue, Lawrence, Dexter, Nokomis, Maine Central Institute and Winslow have all committed to raising funds in their communities.

Starting July 6, students of hockey students in their community will start picking up a dollar at a time through personal requests, collection center pick-ups, and other safe activities to the day of the event, Gray said. They will be advised to follow the Maine CDC recommendations to protect their health and reduce the spread of COVID-19 by wearing face covers where possible to keep 6 feet apart and wash hands frequently with soap and water or hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available.

All funds collected are used by working, retired and unemployed people seeking care in the Martha B. Webber Breast Care Center who are uninsured or underinsured.

An increasingly important part of this year’s event is the use of an already established Facebook group called Battle for Breast Cancer. The page features daily posts about the members of the centers’ care team, patient testimonials, tours, ways to reduce breast cancer risk, sponsorship opportunities, educational videos on mammogram screening, and much more. To view these messages, click the Join button at the top of the page.

Donations can be made by credit card and checked by visiting

For more information, contact Gray at 779-2555.

The Martha B. Webber Breast Care Center provides timely access to state-of-the-art digital screening and diagnostic, clinical and care support services by a multidisciplinary team of healthcare providers. The center has locations in Farmington and Livermore Falls.


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