Flu season ends early as number of ‘triples’ in New Jersey drops
The “triple disease” of influenza, RSV and COVID-19 appears to be waning in New Jersey after hitting the state hard in the fall and early winter, according to data released Wednesday by the New Jersey Department of Health. increase.
Influenza infection rates have declined in recent weeks during a period of normal spikes. RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) has been declining since late November.And while COVID has increased After the holidays, as the experts expectedhospital admissions, intensive care unit admissions, and ventilator use began to decline in mid-January.
“We hope that as the epidemic subsides, more people will come to hospitals and clinics for basic care, especially those who are usually most vulnerable to respiratory illness,” said Dr. Dr. Daniel Varga says Hackensack Meridian Health. “There are many people waiting for the situation to stabilize.”
New Jersey mirrors national trends. Influenza, COVID and RSV emergency room visits have declined sharply nationwide since late December. CDC data shows.
The current flu season is one of the rarest New Jersey has ever seen. After a very mild flu season for the past two years, the virus is back on the rampage as social isolation, wearing a mask, and other his COVID precautions helped stem the spread.
Children have been particularly hard hit this season with four fatalities, after not having killed a single person in the past two years.
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Cases began to surface in September and October and peaked in late November. The last few years have been almost unprecedented. The seasoned pediatrician says there’s never been a busier fall than this. As over-the-counter children’s antipyretics and pain relievers flew off shelves in late fall, the early start showed just how disruptive the timing changes could be. The cause of the shortage that lasted through the winter.
Influenza activity in New Jersey declined from high to moderate about two weeks ago, according to a report issued Wednesday. But doctors say it’s been fading much longer.
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COVID hasn’t been as devastating as last year’s post-winter holiday Omicron surge, which killed more than 2,300 New Jersey citizens in January 2022.
By January 22, there were fewer than 100 confirmed COVID-related deaths this year, according to state health department data. Experts say vaccinations, booster shots, boosted immunity from previous infections, and the widespread availability of the antiviral drug paxlovid, along with the lack of a more deadly variant, keep the virus at bay. Said it was helpful.
Hackensack Meridian Health’s 17 hospitals had up to 400 patients two weeks ago and saw a small spike in COVID hospitalizations after the holidays. Since then, the number has dropped to about 300 this week, Varga said.
“RS virus and influenza are going down like rocks,” he said. “We didn’t see a post-holiday spike. RSV hit its course a few weeks ago, much like the flu. Both are trending downward.”
Hospitalizations for pediatric respiratory illnesses peaked in November. Since then, pediatric visits to emergency rooms in New Jersey have fallen by 71%, and hospitalizations have fallen by 61%, according to data from the New Jersey Hospital Association.
Hospitals Association CEO Kathy Bennett warned that despite the downhill, New Jersey may still be out of the woods. , COVID, and possibly influenza and other respiratory illnesses, will spike in the spring, around religious holidays.”
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