2023 PEPFAR Uganda Science Summit – Opening Remarks by U.S. Deputy Secretary William D. Bent
2023 PEPFAR Uganda Science Summit – Opening Remarks by US Deputy Chief of Mission William D. Bent
Hotel Africana, Kampala | Expedia Jan 31, 2023 (Preparing for shipment)
Good morning. We are honored to host this year’s annual PEPFAR Uganda Science Summit. now part 4th The theme of this year’s summit is “When PEPFAR turns 20, follow science and keep profits” In line with the global PEPFAR@20 anniversary theme— “PEPFAR: 20 Years of Impact”.
As most of you here know, on January 28, 2003, President George W. Bush announced the creation of PEPFAR in his State of the Union address. Four months later, the U.S. Congress approved the first of his $15 billion and created the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for His AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). It is the US government’s primary response program to the global HIV epidemic and the largest effort by any country to combat a single disease. in history.
Since 2003, PEPFAR has saved more than 25 million lives and dramatically improved health in more than 55 partner countries. AIDS deaths are down 68% from their peak in 2004, and new HIV infections are down 42%. Our investment in PEPFAR has ensured that 5.5 million babies are born HIV-free. His 20-year investment in partner countries’ health systems has also played a key role in their ability to respond to other health crises such as COVID-19, Mpox and Ebola.
In Uganda, the US government has supported HIV and tuberculosis research in Uganda since 1991, long before PEPFAR was launched. In fact, PEPFAR’s architects, including the recently retired Dr. Anthony Fauci, recognized by many as global leaders in the recent COVID response, have visited Uganda numerous times and have been instrumental in designing PEPFAR globally. Considered the scientific contributions of Uganda. When PEPFAR was announced, Uganda has become the focal point of the global PEPFAR programme, and began implementing HIV prevention, care and treatment services for those affected in April 2004. Continuing to contribute to tuberculosis research. To date, PEPFAR has invested over $4 billion in fighting HIV in Uganda.
A recent report (UPHIA) estimates that 1.4 million Ugandans are living with HIV. However, a recent study also showed that between September 2004 and September 2022, Uganda saw a nearly 5,000% increase in the number of people living with HIV who received PEPFAR-supported ART. I’m here. Tomorrow, this study will show that the tremendous scale-up of PEPFAR-supported ART has helped avoid an estimated 500,000 HIV infections, including more than 230,000 infections among HIV-exposed infants. I know I will have the opportunity to hear about further findings from. and nearly 600,000 HIV-related deaths. and it especially We are pleased to know that the world’s first person to receive PEPFAR-supported HIV treatment almost 20 years ago is still alive and well, further demonstrating the success of this life-saving program.
Through the joint work of U.S. agencies in Uganda — including: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), US Agency for International Development (USAID), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Department of State (DOS), Department of Defense (DOD), Peace Corps – PEPFAR is a valuable scientific and public health partner I have supported and been involved in scientific collaborations with many of you.
We are pleased that the PEPFAR Science Summit is once again planned in partnership with US government agencies and the Uganda Ministry of Health. Minister Aceng will deliver the closing remarks tomorrow with Ambassador Brown. Department of Health staff will contribute to shaping the agenda, make presentations and co-chair sessions. Additionally, at this morning’s tea break, watch a poster presentation on the topic of HIV and tuberculosis by a fellow of his PEPFAR-supported MOH Public Health Fellowship Program.
Let’s take a look at some well-known examples of evidence-based interventions currently being implemented around the world., First developed and proven here in Uganda. Early basic examples of PEPFAR include voluntary medical male circumcision for HIV prevention, the role of HIV therapeutics, and viral load measurement for HIV management, and mother-to-child and sexual transmission of HIV. Includes prevention of continued transmission of infection. We also identified the usefulness of the “Basic Care Package” of safe water, antimalarial supplies and antimicrobial prophylaxis delivered through home AIDS care to reduce mortality among HIV-infected people in Uganda. Many of you in this room have been leaders of these innovative projects.
The 2023 Summit is perfectly timed for two purposes:th Inform the anniversary, and the 2023 PEPFAR Country Operations Plan (COP) process starting next week. Past PEPFAR Science Summits have successfully shared Uganda’s major scientific and programmatic breakthroughs with the entire community and incorporated them into detailed annual COP plans.This year’s summit will focus on the new PEPFAR strategy launched on World AIDS Day 2022, particularly follow the science. This focus, as well as those organizing the PEPFAR Uganda Science Summit, and globally, show that PEPFAR seeks to reemphasize science and evidence-based interventions. Using the Summit as a starting point, I urge all of us to identify key priorities and strategies for COP 2023 by following science to maintain control of the HIV epidemic in Uganda. We look forward to the future of PEPFAR and are confident that Uganda will continue to serve as a source of inspiration, success and innovation in HIV and TB.
Finally, I emphasized Uganda’s outstanding contribution to HIV and tuberculosis science and the role of the Science Summit in ensuring that its latest findings are reflected in future PEPFAR national operational plans. praise the 20 years of PEPFARth In our anniversary year, it is wonderful to recognize Uganda’s central role in HIV and tuberculosis science and response, and recommit ourselves to following the latest science, sustaining response and ending the HIV epidemic. I hope the audience will encourage colleagues who are not present today to access, share and learn from the summit materials that will be posted on the Embassy website soon after the summit concludes. And now I look forward to hearing your presentation. thank you.
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