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Dances With Wolves star Nathan Chasing Horse arrested for sexually assaulting young girls | American News

Dances With Wolves star Nathan Chasing Horse arrested for sexually assaulting young girls |  American News


A star of the Oscar-winning film Dances With Wolves has been arrested on suspicion of sexually assaulting young indigenous girls in the United States.

Nathan Lee Chasing His Horse, who goes by the name Nathan Chasing Horse, allegedly committed the offenses over a period of two decades, according to police records.

He is also believed to be the leader of a cult known as The Circle, according to a 50-page search warrant obtained by the AP news agency.

The 46-year-old actor, best known for his role as a young Sioux tribesman Smiles A Lot in the 1999 film Kevin Costner movie, was arrested near North Vegas house he shares with his five wives.

A police SWAT unit was seen outside the property on Tuesday evening as detectives searched inside.

A Las Vegas police officer stands near the home of former actor Nathan Lee Chasing His Horse, who passes by Nathan Chasing Horse, Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2023, in North Las Vegas, Nevada.  Authorities raided the former actor's home on Tuesday in connection with a sexual assault investigation.  (AP Photo/John Locher)
Las Vegas police are working near the home of former actor Nathan Lee Chasing His Horse. Photo: AP

After appearing in Dances With Wolves, Chasing Horse gained a reputation among tribes across the United States and in Canada as a so-called healer who held healing ceremonies and spiritual gatherings.

Police allege he used his position to abuse young Native American girls.

According to the warrant, Las Vegas police have identified at least six alleged victims and uncovered sexual allegations against Chasing Horse.

Allegations date back to the early 2000s in several states, including MontanaSouth Dakota and Nevadawhere he has lived for ten years.

Although the warrant includes details of crimes reported elsewhere, the arrest stems from crimes allegedly committed in Clark County, Nevada.

They include sex trafficking, sexual assault of a child under 16 and child abuse, while some of the alleged victims were as young as 13, according to the warrant.

One of Chasing Horse’s wives was reportedly given to him as a “gift” when she was 15, while another became a wife after she turned 16.

Chasing Horse is also accused of recording sexual assaults and arranging sex with the victims for other men who allegedly paid him.

Arnold Rivers, center, rides with Daniel Newholy Jr., left, and Nathan Chasing Horse Monday, Feb. 22, 1999, about 15 miles east of Livingston, Mt.  The intertribal group, called Buffalo Walk, is on a spiritual journey, carrying the sacred bundle from Rapid City, SD, to Yellowstone National Park, to raise awareness of the importance of bison.  (AP Photo/The Livingston Enterprise, Thomas Lee)
Nathan Chasing Horse (right) in 1999

According to the warrant, Chasing Horse was banned in 2015 from the Fort Peck reservation in Poplar, Montana, after allegations of human trafficking.

There were no attorneys listed on Chasing Horse court records who could comment on its behalf Tuesday night.

Chasing Horse was born on the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota, home to the Sicangu Sioux, one of the seven tribes of the Lakota Nation.




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